Battling Tomato Hornworms In The Garden - FUN VIDEO

Get ready for some fun. Picking these disgusting and damaging worms off your tomato plants can be a very unpleasant task. But you have to do it if you ever hope to get any tomatoes this summer.

So you roll up your sleeves and get to work and for two weeks you pull and pick and pull and pick. If you have chickens they can be a treat for them. But this time of year, my free range chickens have no problem finding insects and producing lots of eggs. Plus, I wanted to have some fun.

So I grabbed my youngest son's Daisy Buck BB gun and headed out to the garden for a little trigger time.

The result was this video. ENJOY!

Do you have tomato horn worms this summer? It seems this year is worse than past years. I don't think I've ever had this many before. Stay vigilant fellow gardeners. Victory can be yours!





Don't the wasp kill them?

Those worms don't stand a chance. Think you're having a little too much fun there. :-) I'm amazed how JUICY these things are. Drip drip drip. @ironshield

After a day the dead ones shrivel up in the sun.

wonder if this would work?

That was very entertaining. Now how about a sawed-off shotgun version? @ironshield

very cool but I'm not sure they would have enough impact for the worms. Maybe!

There are don't start.

But but Zac if we used a gun to get rid of all our problems/issues there would not be many folks left ;-)
You know I have to share this!

That could be true!

thanks for sharing the post loved it

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regarding health

Lol, a hornworm gun very funny Zac! I have a question and I know that you are busy and may not be able to get back to me right away. What editing software do you use?

I use mostly Adobe Premier for video editing. I use Adobe After Effects for proving the earth is round...oh wait...I meant for my motion graphics. :)

I’ve only seen one in our small garden this year, and our chickens loved it.

Gruesome but creative way for them to die!

This is a much better vid than that FPSRussia guy or w/e.

⌐╦╦═─ - - - - - - - RIP Hornworms

You could eat them

Hahaha! Why didn’t I watch this sooner? So funny, yet so disgusting! I haven’t looked at my plants real close, but now I’d better go check.

Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for your upvotes recently- not sure how to get in contact with you, but thank you your support is very much appreciated on this side of town.

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