VIDEO: How To Kill A BAZILLION Squirrels To PROTECT YOUR GARDEN ~ Probably Illegal in Most States

in #homesteading8 years ago (edited)

YOUR GARDEN IS UNDER ATTACK! Your Tomatoes are crying for help! Your lovely peach tree is begging for mercy! What do you do?

Ok folks, lets be honest. I didn't always live on the off grid homestead. I used to live in the burbs! Most metro areas have very little natural control methods to keep your squirrel population under control. There are not many foxes or coyotes, very few owls, and probably even fewer hawks or eagles. Admit it, the American grey squirrel is ruling the roost in the urban and suburban areas of America. They have almost ZERO natural predators in these areas!

That makes your ability to get your garden to harvest very difficult because most of what you will eat, THEY ALSO LIKE TO EAT! So that leaves you a couple options, Either grow a HUGE garden so that after the onslaught, you might be able to collect some of what is left, OR, declare war on the little tree rat rodents and thin the herd a bit.

The video above gives you details on doing just that. Some states may have laws against what is shown in the video. But keep in mind that the reason for passing laws like this because the method actually works! I MEAN IT REALLY WORKS!

I figured out this method from a friend after telling him about my garden and tomatoes that were totally devastated by attacking and scrounging squirrels. I GOT NOTHING! It was time to get serious about defending the garden. ENJOY THE VIDEO!



Yet another great vid, seen it before but still good.
Hate those daytime rats (squirrels), they did all kinds of damage on my last property.
This week a fox was walking down our street with a squirrel in its mouth, win one for the fox.

.22 Remington (or winchester) is your friend.
get a scope..a stand...
don't think of it as varmit control
think of it as lunch.

You won't be able to shoot enough of them to make a dent...and with .22 ammo being as hard to find as it is, that will get expensive. A 110 conibear will keep shooting all day long. :)

that'll work too.
tree rats is good eating I hear.
and the hide is useful too.
consider them to be a feature...not a bug.

Here in Wis zone 5a the squillels leave the garden pretty much alone. Focus on seeds and nuts. I was looking at states to Homestead in. It is not surprising to see people that left Wis to homestead. I was looking at Missouri, which you stated you left from. Do you think its a good state for homesteading?

Missouri Ozarks is good. Arkansas Ozarks is better. Lower cost of living, lower population density and less zoning regulations in most places.

Less regulations is a good think. Thanks.

You don't eat squirrel? Man this is some great info here. This has to be one of the better ideas I've seen to maintain squirrel population. I'll be getting some of these. Thanks!

Zac, what about ground squirrels, chipmunks, etc... would something like this work on them?

Yep, It will work on almost any small critters including rats. Mice are too small.

The grey squirrel is a pest in the UK as they destroy our native red squirrel population. It one of the few 'pleasures' we have here with our draconian firearm laws that we can dispatch them with a .22 air rifle without the requirement of a license. How lucky are we? [sarcasm lol]

Thanks for the tip. That is the one thing I can't keep out of my garden. I'll give it a try. I never had a squirrel eat my plants or vegies though. Just dig holes all over the place and disturb things. I guess PA squirrels are different lol.

It totally works! They used to always eat or at least take bites out of my green tomatoes.