THE HOMESTEAD - Sometimes You Can't Do It All - One Day At A Time


This has by far been the busiest winter that I have experienced since we moved off grid. There are always projects to be worked on but it seems like this year, it's really been overwhelming. Most of that is because I am working more part time from home doing SEO development remotely for website clients. It's providing much needed income for the homestead and so I'm taking advantage of the opportunity.

We hear from others who are homesteading and also working off site at another job about how hard that arrangement is for everyone involved. It's hard to get things done on the homestead while you are away working at a job. Well I can tell you that even working from home is hard to manage getting everything done.


I did finally cross one big thing off my list today that I've been working on. That is getting a bull for our milk cow, Truffles. I finally found a homestead about an hour and a half away that has a miniature Hereford bull that stands only 44 inches at the hip. This would make a great way for us to mix in a meat breed with our milk miniature Jersey. If a male is produced, that will bring a good bit of beef for the homestead. If a female is produced, she can either be joined with our herd or sold for profit to another homestead wanting a family milk cow.


I was going round and round trying to find a bull for our calf but we finally got that settled. We will be bringing the bull back to our homestead sometime next week. Stay tuned. I'm told he's really gentle and easy handling.


It's a track loader and I've been working on trying to get this thing up and running for almost a year now I guess. It's sits about 30 miles from my homestead parked in a friends backyard. The issue is the transmission hydraulic pump needs to be correctly installed and 4 hoses hooked up to it. I've tried hiring people and working on it myself and I can't get the darn thing in correctly. It needs someone who is experienced in working on these things with the right tools. You basically have to turn yourself upside down while working on it inside the floor of the cab. There is little to no space to turn your wrenches down there to get the hoses hooked up and I don't even know if I got the pump installed correctly to begin with.


This is where the pump needs to be mounted. The other pump was stripped and ruined.


So I'm going to keep calling around looking for a track loader mechanic who makes house calls or I'm going to post it on Craigslist and put that money towards another dozer/trackloader that a nearby neighbor has for sale. Either way, at some point we are going to get one of these on the homestead.


Then we have the garden and greenhouse that we are going to be trying to get ready for spring. Much of what is in the greenhouse needs to come up and its a lot easier to work in their during the winter months than summer. As for the main garden, we are getting in lots of cardboard this year to put down. I brought in another load this morning. The cardboard will be laid down and then covered with wood chips. This will break down over the remainder of winter and spring and be ready for planting.


Speaking of gardening, we have the Baker Creek Spring Planting Festival coming up shortly and are getting some of our homemade homestead products ready to sell there. We will have a pretty good sized booth there and can't wait to do it again this year. Last year we visited and had a wonderful time. I highly recommend making the trip if you can. Many people come for the two days and camp nearby or stay in motels. We will be camping for the two days at Baker Creek in a field they have reserved for vendors. The dates this year are May 6th and 7th - Sunday and Monday

Make it if you can and stop by and see us! Look for the AN AMERICAN HOMESTEAD booth!

All that to say we are staying really busy around the homestead with just our daily chores and all the things we have coming up in the spring and summer. If you have a homestead, you know what it means to stay busy.

Here is the video from last years Baker Creek Planting Festival! Enjoy!

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I received my seed order from Baker Creek this week and look forward to getting those planted! I also have considered going to the festival as well. I bet it helps when it does not take place on Saturday Sabbath!

Great! Maybe we will see you there!

From what I can see y’all are doing an amazing job. Just keep plugging away and y’all will do awesome things like you always do. Take care Zack

We never stop going. Always on the move! Thanks for stopping by!

How's the wood mill running? Nice post man. Thanks for giving me that kick in the butt I needed. God Bless

That is another thing I need to get on before temps get too high this spring.

Ive noticed since I started homesteading that Ill always have 100 projects, and no matter how many I get done, I will always have 100 projects. Work hard, Play Hard!

That is because the list of projects is infinite and we only take the time to list the top 100. ;)

Yeah, its fun! I'd rather be tossin hay and shoveling manure than working in a cubicle.

I agree! I left the cubicle world to come to MO and try my hand at homesteading. I hope to get to a spot you're at in a couple years!

Yeah, this summer we said, "we will have more time in the fall to relax," and then in the fall we said, "we will have more time in the winter to relax," and that hasn't happened. And I know spring won't be a time for a break, so I guess the whole year is just a busy time on the homestead!

Hey! Got your letter in the mail. Thanks so much for the kind words. Hope to meet you all someday!

Great! So glad it got to you. :) That would be wonderful to get together sometime!

Where is the festival at? I’m guessing not too far from where you’re at?

It is a Baker Creek, MO. You can look at their website for info.

Yeah, check out their website.

My husband and I just watched the video. Thanks so much for sharing. We are working towards our very own homestead so we love to see the many crafts that we can get into! I want rabbits now! Blessings to you and yours.

Homesteading is an adventure. Enjoy it and don't let the hard days get you down.

Awesjob my friend 👍
This is hard work!
Keep it up

There will always be time for baker creek! I hear you loud and clear on staying super busy, sharing this to twitter so folks know just how busy you are!

AMEN SIS!! I tryed to upvote you but looks like I am broke lol

We are really looking forward to the festival! Can't wait!

Never a dull moment! I love it!

Can't wait to meet Truffles beau!

Wish I lived closer because the Baker Creek Spring Planting Festival SOUNDS like so much fun!!

So happy you both were able to get so many chores and tasks done this winter!

I think we are going to pick him up on Wednesday. We will keep you posted!

Never give up 💪💪 keep spririt

Yes, the Homesteading requires constant investment of work and time. I now also work from home, and also create Seo content for websites( it seems it is fashionable among farmers, haha). Winter is considered a quiet time for farmers, but sometimes unforeseen circumstances force to work hard. I wish you well manage your time and get done all the important things. After all, spring is coming, time of sowing!

Awesome festival. Wish I could attend, but I don't think it's in the cards for this year!

Great post!