
Oh thank you for posting your harassment here for the World to see.

Don't be taken in by TR the monkey. Troy Reid, better known as TR, Trog, Leatherhead (because of his dirty stinking greasy old hat that he wears every place he goes even in the house) Turkey Head, Fruit Loops and more, is a full time ebegger, scammer and a fraud.
He has a band of dedicated goons on his YouTube channel that send him their money because he refuses to get a job.
His 100k subs on YouTube, I believe are mostly bought hence the reason for only 2 or 3 thousand views of his no content video.
I think what has amazed me the most since he has been on here is just how nasty he is, throwing random accusations at everyone because he can't delete their comment.
Trogs story of scanning and stupidity is a long one, he is the only YouTuber I know that has a superb dedicated sucks site, and it is definitely the best place to gen up on his evil doings.
Come on over, everyone is friendly, it's not the place Reid’s suckers make it out to be.

Trolls are ugly

but troy is even uglier

Well then, just look what you got for free!

Anyone on facebook,
Go see his latest, no action here!

You paying attention there boy?

TR, please don’t keep saying its free entertainment, it may be to you but to the cost of others that you have scammed!
Now then where are we up to?

Its FREE YouTube videos. Dont like it. Dont watch.

Boy I can just imagine you screaming at the TV watching some FAKE drama.

Or maybe you dont have a TV anymore because you smashed it in frustration. Its all a scam

Reid can you explain to the viewers your unique relationship and how the CAI and Jesus and bundshafting is all intertwined.

Its not. Go away.

One day we will all stand before the judgement seat of Christ and answer for what we did in our lives. Is this how you want to proceed with your Lord and Savior?

What do you mean by we?
Do you have a turd in your pocket.

Well actually your wrong we will not stand before Christ we will stand before GOD, you really need to read the bible and understand the words, you look like a moron quoting things you dont understand and take out of context.

None of your business - in my opinion.

Reid just chose to make it my business by his comment.
Your opinion is wrong.

Looks like the bum is taking a nap before lunch!