so why have they hidden their faces in this video ?? because the people who made it knows we are after them , karma is a bitch isnt it when they get found out who they are.
and i see the piece of shit darkdestroyer who has no real friends in life is still on here .. how boring .
i wonder if mollydolly has seen the video they made slagging her off,
and the comments about her when she was a fan of troys youtube channel getting troys subs to go against her
so why have they hidden their faces in this video ?? because the people who made it knows we are after them , karma is a bitch isnt it when they get found out who they are.
and i see the piece of shit darkdestroyer who has no real friends in life is still on here .. how boring .
i wonder if mollydolly has seen the video they made slagging her off,
and the comments about her when she was a fan of troys youtube channel getting troys subs to go against her
PMSL love that video