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RE: Some Things to Remember Or That I've Realized Post Irma

So glad to hear that you and your came through Irma ok. Lots of things we will do better next time if we have to. We too are extremely disappointed in the fact that no Red Cross or other organizations made it a priority to supply locals with water, food, anything that might get us through until supplies could arrive. The most aggravating news to me was that Disney was back open the very next day. Priorities are seriously lacking. Sorry for the rant. Just glad you made it. 🐓🐓


I know a family in Ocala whose only entrance in their subdivision is 6ft under water. No one is coming to pump it out. They still are out of power (day 6) and they are having to share their supplies with the elderly in the neighborhood. We have called and called to get help and no one seems to care. But the Villages are up and running....thank god they are preppers and had a stocked basement!