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RE: What do you think will save us, if anything? (in terms of climate action)

i really liked your response and the framing of our current predicament in the terms of an addiction. i think it's totally this... you can see it when you start to talk about the necessary changes, like consuming less or consuming differently or weening off of fossil fuels or tv -- people get foremost defensive which points to the addiction revving up its protective mechanisms... sadly, as i said to ecoalex above, usually addictive behaviors only change when rock bottom is hit or things get really bad. perhaps this "really bad" will come from outside of us (in the form of climate catastrophe, wars, famines, etc), but that stuff in many ways is already hitting poorer parts of the world and it's still out of sight out of mind for the majority of north americans. but, again, thanks for this framing as i think it's a really great way to think about and understand these issues and also find ways to "tackle them"!