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RE: Seasonal Eating and Local Abundance

Nodding and mmmming is the intended response.... Love it!

Ya know when I was vegan I helped some friends when they needed help butchering their 60 chickens
And was always down to skin up road kill to practice hide tanning. There's so much to learn, and I respect y'all for giving it a go. There's a lot of humility, respect and honor that I find comes when respectfully harvesting animals.

We raised these hens mostly for eggs. We also raised a few goats last year, but soon realized that we are not set up for fencing animals. They're crafty buggers! I hunt dear, squirrels and armadillos and we barter for grass fed beef. I'm still a public vegetarian as generally won't eat meat from a suspect source. I still think the best home is one that wild animals inhabit and value hunting as a viable means of sustenance, although I'm new to the scene as an adult onset hunter.

Happy you're enjoying the content. Thanks for the support <3