
It's nice to have someone else jump in and take control of a situation once in a while!

We had a hawk trapped in the chicken run, which is covered by a net. The chickens were freaking out but when I got there it took me a few moments to take in what I was seeing and figure out the trouble. One bird too many ...unusual markings ...hmm. Is that a bird or prey? I yelled for my husband to help.

We got all the hens to safety and ended up releasing the hawk back into nature. We wondered if this was the right thing to do ...but it hasn't been back.

also ... It had been eating one of the hens alive and that has got to be one of the worst ways to die that I can think of. My husband snapped her neck on the spot to end the suffering - it was sad, and terrible. I was so glad he was there! Moments like this sure keep things real.

when I got there it took me a few moments to take in what I was seeing and figure out the trouble.

That's how it was for me, even with Pixie yelling "snake"! She has her daddy's lightning observational skills, and I don't. Oh gosh, I think dealing with a hawk eating one of your chickens alive would be a horrid situation and I'd rather yell for a husband to deal with it too. Was it hard to shoo it out of the pen? I'd be scared of it getting aggressive out of confusion.

Well, it was really scared and flapping around like crazy. It looks surprisingly like a chicken in those conditions (lol). I was like ...hmm ... spotted belly ...which of the hens has a spotted belly. oh ...none of them do -- what is that? My husband is awesome though when he hears a certain tone in my voice he comes quick.

I pulled off a corner of the netting and then it just flew away. My husband thought maybe we should have shot it but we were just reacting to the situation and there was a lot of drama and squawking going on around us.