My Homestead/Prepping item wishlist for 2017

Well, this year is half over and 3 major items on my list to get are still not in my possession. What are they you ask?

  1. Greenhouse
    I'm not to worried about this one because my husband is planning to build (or buy) it around October when it starts to cool down here in the south.

  2. SunOven
    I wanted this BEFORE summer! It's just to hot to cook inside in the south. It's 90 out right now and I have no desire to make the inside of my home an equal or higher temp. I have found the SunOven with everything on for $329.00. Amazon has it for $345.00. Both free shipping! But unfortunately my step son needed a crown on his back left molar and that was more important so the SunOven is on the back burner until later. (There's always my birthday and Christmas 🤔)

  3. Berkey Water Filter
    This is an item I want but my husband doesn't see the need in it. He isn't on the same page with me on certain items so with those I have to save up my money and buy myself. That way he can't say anything about the purchase other than "I guess this was a good idea" 😊 So it will most likely be the end of the year before I get this one also.

I won't give up! It will happen in its own time! I'm beginning to think this is Gods way of teaching me patience since I didn't have children. 🤔

What items are on your wishlist?


(All photos are from Pinterest)


Those three are on my list as well. Great post!

We had a sun oven in my childhood, and I am so grateful for that! I learned so much about solar, and cooking, and spent a lot more time outside!

I'm so excited to get one!

YES! I love seeing/ hearing about people who geek out on their gardening and food prep/ storage/ processing life tricks as hard as I do!

A really great dehydrator is another thing I've always loved!

I have the greenhouse, which I absolutely love. Still need to add a few more items to my own wish list

Hi @mylilhomestead, good list. Hope you manage to get all three.

We just got our first greenhouse, and it really has been soooo useful. Highly recommended.

I would be interested to try a sun oven but we don't have so much sun here in Wales.

Not sure about the water filter. We are lucky enough to have our own springs and a well. And it rains a lot in Wales!

Bees are on my list (and they may be coming soon) and a new chicken coop.

Chickens and a coop are # 1 & 2 for 2018 😊
Thanks for reading!

Nice post Lilhomie! Resteemed. ;-)

I like the sound of the sun oven first .
Almost like a bbq and open pit at same time.
Then water purification and greenhouse

I need those 3 too! I think in that same order of importance.

Well those are all on my wish list. I bought a portable/pop-up sun oven and it was terrible. I have seen many videos on youtube on how to make an oven and I may try that before dropping $350.

O no! I hate you had a bad experience 🙁

Well, I have a greenhouse, so that one is off my list. I really would like to have one of those larger Berkey water filters. Even with having water from the town I live in, there could still be a need for it, especially if there was a "boil water" alert.
A sun oven wouldn't do me much good in the upper great lakes region, AKA, the land of cloudiness...
An item on my list would be a rocket stove.
I do occasional posts on my greenhouse, just in case you might be interested in reading about my adventures with growing in a greenhouse.
I'll be following you. :-)