Homestead Cooking - Saute Vegetables

in #homesteading5 years ago

Cooking during the lockdown was not so easy. We had no beans and meat at that time. And often I had to rely on the oil and vegetables alone.

I made variety of dishes using the vegetables, rice and various stored saurces. I think you can make a lot of recipes and food tends to be good with those saurces. Though you may have to make changes to avoid making similar recipe every time.

At the base of the vegetable, oil and rice as base ingredients. You will often find yourself in situation where you are just basically saute vegetables for starters.

saute vegetables.jpg

Image credit: My own kitchen image

What I have done here?

I took the olive oil for about 4 tbsp and added into the pan. Then I managed to cut some green chilly and added into it. Then added the garlic and onion into that. And after saute it for 1 minute or so, I added the carrot too. I also wanted to add few greent beans which I had frozen. And it kind of worked for my base.

This is the base that you can use to cook rice or various other gravy dishes. You can eat it with bread or consume it instead of meat especially when you have less movement at home. So lockdown times , one should be eating more vegetables as it is.

I may add few of my recipe experiments that I did during the lockdown to keep myself healthy. I am sure for those who are living alone with family on some farm or some other remote area, they may find such recipes useful as it requires less content.

I hope the information here helps you a bit with cooking differently. And this may also helps you in avoiding excessive spending on some external items.

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