Quality Jenga Time

Sometimes, you just have to slow down on the homestead and enjoy some of the time with those for whom you do this "homesteading thing"!  

A while back I was really busy working on the homestead  and  Little Man was a bit sick with a viral infection for  few days.  He finally got over it which was a blessing in itself with all the cleaning that needed to be done to be sure no one else would get it.... Like me!  :-)  I was pretty busy and after the doctor’s office, I spent the time getting caught up on may chores around the house.  It is amazing how much laundry can pile up, how dirty the floors can get and how the dishes seem to multiply in the sink!  (I finish washing them, turn around and “POOF” more dishes!)

Plus, the chickens need to be watered, fed and the coop needs cleaning!  All these chores seem to just pile up and there are only the two of us!…  And on top of all the house chores, tending to Little Man, taking care of the chickens and all I still have videos to shoot, edit and publish for our YouTube channel.   Whew, it was a very busy time! Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed those few days.  More was done than expected.  I was even able to spend some quality time with the Lord, reading my Bible and preparing the Sunday school lesson for my class.  But, all the while I was cleaning, tending, feeding, watering, washing, shooting video, editing, studying and preparing lessons, I was missing some quality time with my son.

 So, that night after dinner we turned off the television and the latest video game download and we just spent time playing Jenga at our kitchen table.  This was by far one of the best parts of my weekend.  We had a blast trying to beat each other at that game.  To this day, one of my favorite things is to hear Little Man’s laughter.  That is something that warms my heart and makes me thank God for everyday he is in my life.  He kicked my butt in the first round of Jenga.  But, I made a comeback on the second and third rounds!  Then after the last fall of those simple wooden bricks we spent time building things with them.  He made an outhouse and a really cool fort.  I kept trying to make a three dimensional diamond, but gravity seemed to work against me.  

So, I just want to tell all my fellow homesteaders and wanna-be homesteaders to never forget to spend time with your family, especially the children as they grow up WAY too fast.  Next time you are tired from putting in a full day out on the back 40 or in my case the back acre.  Take a moment to look at your family, pull out Jenga and spend some quality Jenga time with them.  You will feel blessed that you did!  

God Bless!!  


 “…As for me and my house we shall worship the Lord.”  –Joshua 24:15 

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