
No, frozen to the freezer :)

Is that the freezer that is 95% off the grid, like the stove, oven, and refrigerator that are also 95% off the grid, or is that the freezer that is 95% ON the grid?

Actually the freezer is powered by solar panels.

You don't have enough of your "wireless" solar panels to run a blender...

There is no way you are running a freezer...

Who is talking about a blender?

But yes, we did use a blender in NY with less solar power. And a freezer.

So these will actually live though the winter, that will be new, The ones on NY either starved to froze to death, the ones that were not ripped apart by wild animals, So your going to actually get off your lazy ass in the cold weather and feed these birds? Or are you going to make the brown lizard to it for you?

Actually our birds were quite healthy. The people who came to buy our flock were impressed with them and with the love we showed them.

Why do you engage trolls? "Do not engage the trolls for your own good."

I engage the trolls so that they are too busy to harm anyone else.

I think it is bad enough you guys are trying to destroy my family in the real world.

It would be horrible to have you harassing other families like that.

you didn't own a freezer until the last few months on the dumpsite

Oh really? Hmm, I must be imagining that thing in the kitchen where we keep our food.

Boy you guys are a hoot!!!

You will do anything to "prove" its all fake. Even the freezer. LOL!!!!!!!

I'm talking the Pine Bush dumpsite and you didn't have room in that freaky little kitchen for a freezer idiot

Well idiot - We did have a freezer. Guess you missed a bunch of videos huh

the chest freezer in the piece of shit lean to on the tarpaper shack? That was near the end of you stay before you were evicted and ran to mommy

Actually you guys ran us out. There is enough online evidence of that.

So do NOT even try to deny it.

And yes the freezer we had there for a year.




You guys get "evidence" from anywhere. I have seen photos from a dump posted as evidence against me.

but that was your dump. It applies here idiot. You need to go back and delete a ton of videos if you want to remove evidence of the carnage you allowed on the dumpsite in Pine Bush

You see - there you go. Proving that you dont mind fabricating evidence.

Someone just posted a long video of all the animals you have allowed to die from neglect on the dumpsite in Pine Bush. You are now denying you filmed those videos?

Most of the animals killed in Pine Bush were intentionally killed by people who hated me.

I have police records of that.

But we have video evidence that YOU filmed of the carnage caused by the raccoons. Not one messed with your chickens as you were doing a good job of letting them die on your own.

Are you insane? I mean that seriously. Do you know how crazy that sounds? BTW I posted your video where people are getting the dead chicken photos from.
Stop saying people are killing your chickens, it's raccoons. You even point out all the fencing torn up by the animals.

your old dumpsite in NY.@thediyworld Which photos would they be? All of the photos posted are from

Yeah, like the video "evidence" you guys once showed of a dump with cans and garbage all over the place. Said it was my place. Good job.

This is a screenshot from a video you uploaded of your mess on Youtube...
Why aren't you uploading the toxic waste dump videos here?

This is where you lived in NY, from your videos and Google Earth...



You took a virgin forest, and clear cut the trees and filled it with toxic garbage covered in lead paint and asbestos...

I have not been there for 7 months. I do not even recognize stuff there. You cannot put that on me now

You put all that stuff there, you LYING PIECE OF CRAP. All that stuff was brought there by Troy as show in his youtube videos. You left all your shit literally for someone else to clean up. You destroyed the land value forever.

You keep putting up that OLD image from LONG ago BEFORE I cleaned up my wood pile.

How boring.

How about the beautiful images from our flower beds, rock gardens and inside the tiny house on wheels?

Nope. Not gonna happen huh?

You only want to show anything bad you can find.

By the way, I have not lived there in 7 months.

You cannot put that on me.

@thediyworld, You said "I have not lived there (PineBush, NY) in 7 months, You cannot put that on me"

What is the Statute Of Limitations for what you abandoned there?

Outta sight, outta mind?

The tiny house was never nice or liveable. It was a thrown together tar paper shack you never sided or properly wired and the blocks were falling over that supported the overweight trailer. The flowers were tended to by Ming Ling and she had to haul water and weed the beds because before she showed up you never weeded and most of your plants died from lack of water. You left the place a mess and Mrs. Wright told a potential buyer what a mess you left so you are lying to say you didn't leave a mess. Good Christians don't operate this way.