Really you own a business and you have no clue what is taxed?
I had a construction company I took care of and knew what taxes I had to pay.
Don't worry Troy the funny thing about the Government they don't take ignorance as a excuse... Plan a month long audit.
They will be going through your returns with a fine tooth comb, and good new all your videos they will watch with you and calculate your income from YouTube and gifts and donation, and they still will fine you for RECREATING your returns that you sent to immigration.
After the IRS I'm sure Immigration will want to spend some time with you also.
I figure your going to be a very busy boy next year.
Own a business? I make YouTube videos for FREE entertainment.
@thediyworld I dont think it would be too hard to find you stating in some of your videos that youtube is your business. You’ve certainly said many times that it is your paying job.
True he is on records on all the forums saying that and on his videos.
I still say his is screwed for not coughing up taxes for the past 7 years
YouTube pays you for videos, and you have to pay taxes on that, all donation, all gifts... Your going to be in for a rude awakening at your AUDIT. its well known, and you have over 100,000+ subs I think you not paying taxes on your YouTube revenue the IRS is going to throw the book at you.
You said before you own domains thats considered businesses...
You really need to talk to an accountant, your in the screwed category.
oh and the money you make here, I think I need to send them another edition of these conversations. and what you made here so far.
Surprised no one in your family told you you needed to pay taxes of all we discussed.
remember they go back 7 years, hope you have all your records.
Have a nice day :)