We've been waiting for this day!
Ever since we first got our Shetland/Finnsheep, we've been waiting for the day that they would reproduce. It looks like we are getting closer to that day, since I believe that both of these girls are pregnant. Here is a video I made earlier.
Here is a collection of photos from earlier today. In both cases you can see that these ewes look wide! Interestingly enough, this breed is known for littering, so we are hoping for multiple lambs from each! I can't wait to see what happens come delivery time, but for now we are going to keep them fed and safe! Check these photos out!
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
At least one of those looks like she's carrying multiples - wide out to both sides!
Could get interesting, come lambing time...
We will see, and we'll keep a close eye on them!
I wonder if you can pet those things, or are they "Killer" Ewes? :)
They are friendlies!
I wish them all safe delivery. I cant wait to know how my young ones they will give birth to, each of them as their breed is different from the common ones here in Nigeria. The ones here most times give birth to two. I'm interested in them
I can't wait to see what happens.
Great news but....
WHO's the Daddy ?
lol..excellent, top 'ramming' by the ram:-)
congratulations papa-pepper! this will help your operation grow. Do you guys sheer those sheep, their wool looks tremendous.
We do sheer, and the @little-peppers are learning to spin. So far I just make cordage.
wow well I shouldn't be surprised lol!
have you done posts about the sheering and spinning
because that would be so interesting.
Congratulation @daddy-papa-pepper, at least finally your expectations is coming to pass.nice going through your post again. good luck buddy.
Congrats, man! Any plans for what you're going to do with the babies?
Congrats, man! Any
Plans for what you're going to
Do with the babies?
- themanwithnoname
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Keep breeding them and let them mow the yard. Sheer 'em, eat 'em and sell 'em. (not in that order)
Right on! Another potentially profitable, sustainable endeavor.
Obviously they are pregnant, who impregnated them?
😂 😂 😂
Get the bottles and teats ready, the Little Peppers are going to be busy feeding the flock, when they arrive.
I love sheep! They remind me of my home country Scotland, where they roam the hillsides and often sit on the one track roads making no effort to move quickly when cars approach.
Well, they are either pregnant or they have eaten too many melons! lol They will definitely have twins, but if I were a betting person I would say 3 or 4 minimum! Can't wait to see photos of the little ones! This is pretty exciting!