in #homesteading8 years ago

I am sorry to be the "bear of bad news..."

Many of you may remember that one of our hens recently hatched a chick. It was a happy day for our people. Since two of our hens had been sitting for some time on some random eggs, we were happy that one actually hatched. A few had broken open and stunk, but to actually get a chick was amazing.

RIP Steemie

However, Steemie (as we named it) was the only one. Since we could not raise it alone, we left it with the mother. The first night went great, but the second night... not so much.


On the second night, a rotten eggs burst and covered little Steemie. That night, Steemie also died. This lead us to evaluate a few things.

First off, these chickens are first time mothers and are still new at this. Additionally, we have never hatched chicks before either. We do have a game plan moving forward though.


A few days later, the other hen hatched 2 chicks. Since chicken eggs usually take 21 days to hatch. we moved all the old eggs under the mother with the chicks. That way, if any more hatch from those eggs they can all grow up together with the same mom. We also took a batch of fresh eggs and put them under the other mother. That way, we know that she has about three weeks until her eggs should hatch.

other nesting boxes with eggs now removed

Moving forward we will try to do things this way and get each hen sitting on her own batch of fresh eggs. We will see who hatches around 21 days, and if it gets a few days past, we will remove the old eggs and start again.

Hopefully this will help improve the reproduction of our chicken flock moving forward. Last I knew the two little chicks were still doing good, so we named them "Steemie" and "Steemy." It sure was hard to leave so many young animals for our trip up to Wisconsin, but some neighbor kids are watching over them, and they have some experience with these things.

here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and


Until next time…

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It is an unfortunate loss but what matters here is to learn to do things better in the future. You will. Greetings.

Thanks for the encouragement.

good work thanks !!

sucks for sure having a homestead everything is like family for you as they provide your family with memories and with food to survive.

PS I died myself in the game got called away on work and ended up not getting to post in time lol RIP.

Look forward to more of your homestead videos and information seriously love them and how everything works there such adventures and memories for you and your family.

Rest in peace sweet prince. takes hat off

Thanks man!

R.I.P Steemie <3


I'm particularly touched by this chick's story. We've had birds in our house for as far as I can remember, even grew chicks in the backyard. Many have died over the years, so it's an emotional experience for me when I see birds die 😢

Some of us just are overly empathetic to the point where it can cripple us with sadness and you have to just block it out sometimes, also remember The souls easily reincarnate into newborn chicks, YOLo is a lie, you dont only live once, biological life is just like a machine the spirit is eternal (but is also physical and can be acptured into copper tubes, its scarey but nothing is really immortal, you can have your soul captured like Ghost Busters, and stored as energy, and you cant do much to stop an advanced being with beter tech than you from doing this to you if they wanted! Scarey but try not to think abouyt it!

I'm not too saddened though, I rejoice because life goes on, and more happy healthy chicks will hatch eventually 🐣🐥🐤🐔

yes and they are just velociraptors! they have livd on this planet for tens of millions of years

chickens are super ancient! i guss we all are lol its silly to call one animal a living fossil as if its more ancent than anything else

what is intresting is to think if your parents take longer top have you, could some people be moe evolved than others? Like hear me out:

some people have kids earlir, and so lets say one generation in oene village waits untill theyre in their 30s every generation to have kids, the other village has kids when they turn 15, so after 100 years, one village is already twice as evolved! over thousands or tens of thousands of years, certain peopel end up having kids faster, some sloewer, so wont some peopel end up more evolved than others? or does it average out?

Like if some family just has a tradition of having kids at an earlier age, like right at puberty, to create as much genetic diversity as fast as possible, wont that allow that family to not only grow faster but adapter quicker? or has human civilization stopped natural selkection??? I dount it, i think women still choose the striongest men or what they perceive as the striongest high status men, and the dominance hierrhcy is a tool for natural selection etc, so i thnk were still evolving somehow, to adapt to our industrial world for sure!

yes i also named lil mice babies i found and rescued as stemit mascots, and yeah hard to see baby animals die, but they will not be forgotten! Most animals dont ebven get to be online! At least steemy got to be in a steemit post!

And im sure there wil be steemy 2 and steemy 3 etc
I cant wait for the steem branded eggs with steem logos on them!

this is so amazing it...thanks @papa-pepper

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The circle of life. It is sad though!

RIP steemie

R.I.P. Little Steemie
Sounds like a great plan. Hope it works out :)

I hope so too!

Good luck moving forward guys ...

Sorry to hear about your loss @papa-pepper hate to see anyone lose an animal.


poor little chick. rest in peace steemie

Oh no so sorry to hear that. RIP Steemie. I hope things work out better for you with the newly designed plan. Sorry I'm at a loss for words thinking about poor little Steemie's short lived life.

Yes, a sad day...

Awww, poor Steemie. But I am glad you have a game plan going forward, and you are not just sitting on your laurels. Good for you! Can't wait to see what happens in the future with your chickens and chicks. :)

We are optimistic about the future.

Awesome to hear that! Good luck for sure.

While watching this video, our very young budgie suddenly perked up when she heard the sound of the baby chickens. We think Daisy is only somewhere around 6 months old but she apparently responds right away to baby bird noises! This is a video of her chirping in response to your chicks Steemy and Steemie. @ironshield

How cool is that?

Thanks for sharing!

Enjoy every day, from this moment to the moments to come

RIP Steemie

Sorry to hear the news about Steemie!! See you tomorrow!!

I have seen our hens abandon 1 or 2 chicks if that is all that hatch from a clutch of eggs, it's strange behavior.


it is a lot of work to raise chicks. I guess they figure it is not worth it for just 2. Did they get broody again?

I read the title as "STEEMIT IS DEAD" and thought "oh no, why papa-pepper?" What actually happened is still sad though.

Sorry to hear about Steemie.

Poor little guy. Sorry for the loss. I hope it gets better for you with your new plan.

It's sad but it happens. These mothers are completely unprepared but they still manage mostly. Good luck and don't worry, they will learn.

RIP Steemie, your death was not for nothing.

Wla n ma blog si sir

So sorry for the lost, i hope your new plan will go smooth and successful , all the best with the next hatch

Shame papa I'm sure it's the kids that take it the hardest. Learning to deal with loss and life and death, life of a homesteader seems filled with life lessons. All the best

RIP Steemie. I am sorry. That's a bummer

Poor little Steemie's short lived life..
Let us moving forward..
All the best..Sorry to hear about your loss @papa-pepper..

How unfortunate, poor little thing : ( . Wish you all the best in the future : )

I am sorry, I didn't understood how the chick died? By coming in contact with the broken egg?

I think that it got smothered, but by having yucky yolk all over it probably did not help.

My God. I wish you to have many, many lovely yellow chicks.

Hopefully we will.

I thought something about steemit, pheww.. sad nonetheless hope you make dozens of them :)) long live the steem :D

Same here, i was worried when i thought about steemit.. yet RIP Steemie :(
You'll have tons of them soon @papa-pepper


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oh Steemie! Sorry for your loss.. Its always much harder to see first hand than on a screen.. Keep up the great caring and work!

Sad Friday.Hate to hear such bad news man! She got such a sweet name and @little-peppers were so happy with her.

I am so sorry for your loss of steemie. But even through loss there is a break through. Learning to try new ways to do things. Somethings happen and it's just natural, But it is better to keep trying and not give up. Hoping you get even more baby chicks.

@Papa-Pepper, before you move a hen from one clutch of eggs to another, please research broody hens. It is my understanding that when a hen goes broody (meaning ready to sit on eggs to hatch them) she stays on the nest with little to no food and water. Apparently they loose body weight during this time. I'm certainly no chicken expert, infact I don't have a single chicken, but I have raised other kinds of birds and know that the mothers often need a rest between clutches. Just saying.

These ones come off and feed and drink periodically. We also supply them with closer food and water.

Good idea though, research is always smart! Thanks.

Whaaat????Why did you left us STEEEEEEEMMMMIIIIIIEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE have replacements! We will press on!

Yes Papa, a real man knows how to move on, even though it's hard...

That is a sad turn of events but it matters that you are finding a way to do things better and learning and moving forward.

Yes. We must improve where we can and press on.

Sometimes life on the homestead can be hard @papa-pepper. We all have had these kinds of disappointments in life, but we learn from these and carry on. Hopefully, you will have some new chicks when you return home...

We will see. Thanks for the encouragement!

Poor chick. That's interesting that the rotten egg exploding would kill the live chick. Never thought of that. I'm glad to see Little Pepper taking things so philosophically, though: good job, Mom and Dad. And now you have two more little peepers and a plan for the like all gardening and husbandry, dust off and try the next solution!

I think I'm going to head to the garden and try to save our peach tree that seems to be suddenly critically ill with fire blight. Honestly, it was fine a few days ago! Amazing how fast these things happen...

I think that it kind of got slimed and smothered.

Ew. What a way to go. Poor Steemie #1. I know when I raised a baby sparrow we had to be careful of her because if she'd gotten her new little feathers wet with some kind of oil she could get too cold and get hypothermic shock quickly. It was tricky because she had a wound on one wing that we'd been treating with triple-A ointment since she didn't have feathers when she fell from her nest, but once she had feathers we had to be super careful to just get the ointment right on the wound.

I'm particularly touched by this story, Greetings.

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I would have left the eggs for a couple more days. Usually, it can take up to 3 days for them all to hatch. If in doubt, I candle them to see what is going on. Then it is easy to remove the rotten ones. They do stink! And of course, if a baby chick gets covered with the explosion, the chance of survival is pretty slim. Sorry about Steemie. I am sure you will have many more chickies in your future.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

These days there is no life without death.