Just look at what happens when you miss a day!
Yup, there's a reason that I normally pick the Noodle Beans every day or every other day. If you wait an extra day, you get a lot more at once. For preserving, rather than enjoying fresh, this is a good thing. In fact, this bunch from this morning filled a gallon freezer bag!!!
Without blanching or any special treatment, I've found that these can just be rinsed, cut to length, and then frozen. When we pull them out later and heat them in a skillet, they taste as good as ever. I have sooo got to grow more of these next year, but it's a total blessing just to be growing some this year too! Enjoy the photos.
Until next time…
Make today special!

I usually purchase long beans from the grocery and they are super expensive, so I always have to settle with the usual green beans for any recipe. When the farmers market is around town, then I get to make a favorite vegetable dish: Sauteed long beans and squash! I have not tried freezing long beans. Next time around, I will try freezing some. Thanks for sharing, @papa-pepper!
If you have any space available to garden at all, you should really grow them. They are super easy and produce so well!
Been following your post, and I’ve got to admit, your raising your children and taking care of your family is inspirational
I love that you live off the grid and show everyone what to do and not do, how living off the grid and off the land develops ones senses and ability’s to survive, where most of us wouldn’t know what to do if the grocery stores run out of food.
I may not comment a lot but I do enjoy the posts.
Anyway, just thought I would throw that out there.
We are actually on grid, but do try to be as self-sufficient as possible and very close to the land. Thanks for taking the time to comment and let us know. It means a lot!
WOW. That's a lot of beans? Don't wait four!
Posted using Partiko Android
LOL - Very, very good point~
Holy Cow Papa an Abundant Harvest........
Genesis 8:22 - While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Amen to that... the verse from Genesis, not the "holy cow" part - LOL!