Here's a design I did. Feel free to give it a whirl.

I designed this rainwater harvesting nursery to deal with the tropical rains in Nicaragua. I never built it, despite a real need for it. I must admit, it was probably from my fear of making a mess of the whole thing.
However, if you look closely as the design, you can see that it is made to ensure that there is enough water at all times, but with an overflow for rainy season. I didn't want to waste this overflow though so I suggest putting soggy feet plants in the planter a the bottom; ginger, turmeric, lemongrass, maybe even water cress. The shelter is integral because seedlings wilt like crazy in the hot tropical sun.
If someone gives this a go or has any critiques of the design, I'd love to know. I'll be submitting it for my Permaculture Diploma in Applied Design so any help would be grand!
@permieemmy muy interesante tu diseño de vivero de recolección de agua. Sería genial ver un ejemplo práctico del mismo. La idea de reutilizar el agua sobrante en el macetero inferor es muy brillante, y más aquí en Andalucía, donde no podemos desperdiciar una gota de agua.
El centro en villa Martin tiene una problems con agua no suficiente. Mi profesor de permacultura trabejaba alli para elevar a capa freatica. Los resultos son incredible! El mi enseño sobre ahorrar agua :)
Muy interesante lo de elevar la capa freatica. Tengo pendiente visitar el centro Suryalila en Villamartín.
Very cool. I want to get into some aquaponics stuff, might give this guy a whirl in a couple months.
I would love to see the results! Please keep me posted :)
Interesting will need to look at this closer on the pc.
While I'm not at all architecturally minded this looks like a fantastic system @permieemmy! I wonder if it would also work in semi-desert conditions? We're in a normally dry part of South Africa but in the recent years our farming area has been gripped in a drought. We have tanks to catch the little night moisture which helps. And are soon building aquaponics to concentrate the water which is spread over our veggie gardens. I wonder if this system could be incorporated?
I was learning from Brad Lancaster's book Rainwater Harvesting for The Drylands and beyond so I reckon so. There's a PDF copy online. I'll try to find it for you. I think there wouldnt be so much overflow, so you wouldn't need to tilt the horizontal piping, but I think it's worth a go
Definitely! Thank you
Volume 1
Volume 2
There's a third volume about how to build the things but I can't find a free copy online so I haven't read it. But these two are a great help and then there's plenty of info on the building side online :)
There's some thrilling bedtime reading for you!!!
You're a darling! Thank you
I'm not sure you'll be saying that once you start reading!
Maybe I should pass the reading on to the one who'll be doing the building; Mr Buckaroo ;)