Congratulations! We've been keeping chickens for a while now, 14 years. I wouldn't worry about getting brown eggs from your Easter Eggers. We have purchased them from several hatcheries and they have reliably laid green or blue eggs. Mostly some shade of olive green, but recently more of them are laying pretty blue eggs.
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They do have green ish legs, so I hope they are greenish eggs! I am okay with any color really. But I did get them for something different to make me happy when I go to do my chores in the morning! How exciting! Haha
14 years! WOW. That's great!! These EEs are from Privett Hatchery (that's where all the local farm feed stores get their chicks).
We started off doing it because we would pen them up in the spot that would be next year's garden and give them chopped leaves to work into the soil. Our top soil was only about 2 inches deep, but the chickens can turn 20" of leaf mulch into 4" of really good soil in one season. Of course they also weed and fertilize too.
Now we keep them up by the house and they are my daughters's pets. It used to be that only the rooster had a name. (That is very sexist, now that I think back on it.) Now they all have names, but I don't know them all.
Hahaha I have Cross Beak, Asshole Rooster, and Lady. And the youngest group I call the Bitties. Hahah.