Yea man!
I support your post in general, but totally love the earth ship ones as they are quite awesome!
Happy to help and I will continue to check in on your great contributions!
Yea man!
I support your post in general, but totally love the earth ship ones as they are quite awesome!
Happy to help and I will continue to check in on your great contributions!
thats good to know.. I agree, im most excited writing these!
Dont worry, even though we;re nearing the end of this build, I have Three workshops and built three more! What was really amazing was that on the first workshop I ever did, we attempted to build and roof a small round earthship in TWO weeks using 100% unskilled volunteers from all around the world.
It was an ambitious plan to try to do it so fast.. DID we succeed? Youll have to wait and see!! ;-)
hahahahaha I see what your doing there with the cliff hanger ;-)>
If I didn't already believe in your abilities I may be on the edge of my seat!
Keep up the great work brother!
aweeeee ;-) swooned !
hahahahahaha yea swooning the eco train conductor!
oops wrong word! ;-) ha ha
hahahahhahahaah I see I see!