We have chicken giblets and remains for burying under long term planting areas - we have over 30 chickens and probably 20 chicks at the moment, and around half a dozen ready to start crowing. We tend to do around 2 chickens per week, in fact i did 2 yesterday... A couple of carp around 4-5lb are boiled up whole for the chickens around once per week... they go mad for them.
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Try chucking a few mid size carp into a 40 gallon drum and filling it about 2/3 with water. Leave a gaseous area above the water and put the lid on. Secure the lid. Swish it about once a month by taking the top and swirling the drum. In a few months, after allowing it to brew good and proper, tap it, into a watering can, and dilute it about 10/1 parts water/carp brew.
Don't splash yourself, it is a smell you will never forget.