How are you steemian friends?
Who does not know chocolate, this chocolate-colored food is very popular among the people, the fruit that has the original name of cocoa in harvest when yellow which later became the basic ingredients of making chocolate.
But this time I was forced to pick the fruit of chocolate at a young age because the tree wants to cut to be built chicken coop next to it.
The plan of this little land I want to make chicken coop, I began interested to keep the chicken to fill my empty time.
Back again to the main topic of fruit chocolate, this fruit has many mamafaat for our health you know, including:
● Improve mood
● basic ingredients for making chocolate
● prevent cancer
● Prevents liver disorders
Hopefully this information I provide is useful for all steemian dshabat, and still gardening and have a nice day steemian friends.
Thank you for visiting my blog, upvote and commets if a steemian friend likes it.
mengorbankan buah coklat untuk kandang ayam baru, sangat sulit tapi begitulah yang terjadi
Siapa yang tidak mengenal coklat, makanan berwarna coklat ini sangat populer di kalangan masyarakat, buah yang mempunyai nama asli kakao biadanya di panen ketika berwarna kuning yang nantinya dijadikan bahan dasar pembuatan coklat.
Namun kali ini saya terpaksa memetik buah coklat pada saat masih muda karena pohonnya mau dipotong untuk bisa di bangun kandang ayam di sampingnya.
Rencananya tanah yang kecil ini mau saya jadikan kandang ayam, saya mulai tertarik untuk memelihara ayam kampung untuk mengisi waktu kosong saya.
**Kembali lagi ke topik utama yaitu buah cokelat, buah ini banyak memiliki mamafaat untuk kesehatan kita lho, diantaranya:
●Memperbaiki mood
●bahan dasar untuk pembuatan cokelat
●mencegah kanker
●Mencegahgangguan pada hati
●bisa untuk meningkatkan energi danjuga bisa menghilangka rasa lelah yang berlebih.
Terimaksih telah mengunjungi blog saya, upvote dan commets jika sahabat steemian menyukainya.
Very good post! I didn't know that cocoa has such benefits.
Check my blog, I wrote about fruit and homesteading too :)
Thanks @lisamalleetart
Obat penghilang kebosanan sudah tiba... Good job kawan..
Terimakasih bg @owner99
Level reputasi langsung terdongkrak... Luar biasa.. Semngat kawam
Nice, but I hope you can save the tree. it takes time to grow a tree. I hope you can update your chicken coop.
Thanks for you sugest my friend
I have eaten chocolate but didn't know about chocolate fruit. Is that eatable? or we have to cook and it? or have to make chocolate first? Are all chocolate coming from this fruit?
we immediately eat this chocolate fruit, there is also selling it for if the raw material for making chocolate, I do not know there may be other fruit that can be processed into brown. Thank for you commets my post @hafiz34
Thanks for the perfect post! @riezky
please please please please please
one upvote me @riezky
Mantap @riezky. Ka dikap le ungkot yee :-)
Iya, cuma kebetulan hehehe
That is a pretty cool post about the chocolate fruit and the tree, which is really beautiful. I never saw a chocolate fruit or the tree before to that is something new to me so thank you for sharing. What do you exactly do with the fruit, can you eat it? Following because I like your previous posts since my interest and posts are similar to yours and I want to see more of your posts from indonesia.
Thank you very much, we usually eat directly this chocolate fruit taste very nice and sweet.
Wow. Wish I had one of these trees. Would love to try the fruit.
Thanks for your reply my friend.
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