I haven't bought canned beans in years.
Legumes have been considered "the poor man's meat" for centuries. Rich in minerals and B Vitamins and all sorts of Omegas- they also contain anti-cancer agents. But canned beans are not optimal for nutrition, and even the lining of the cans can be toxic, not to mention- they are expensive and create waste! This method of cooking beans has changed my life!
As with grains and seeds, soaking beans before cooking is the best way to unlock their best qualities and it saves so much money. From Nourishing Traditions :
Such care in preparation ensures that legumes will be thoroughly digestible and all the nutrients they provide well assimilated because such careful preparation neutralizes phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors and breaks down difficult-to-digest complex sugars.
Most canned beans are not prepared this way but you can easily do it at home!
I buy organic dry beans in bulk which saves so much money. I cook a large stock pot full of beans and then freeze small batches for quick and easy access later. This is how I do it:
For about 16 cups of dry beans pour in about 1 cup of whey (whey helps initiate a "fermentation" which breaks down the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors)
Cover generously with warm filtered water and soak for 12 to 24 hours (depending on size and variety of bean)
Next day strain the water off the beans and rinse.
Place in large stock pot and add water to cover plus a few tablespoons of sea salt
Bring to a boil and skim off the foam (this foam may contain undesirables)
After you've skimmed off the foam add some type of dried seaweed, this is optional but it greatly reduces the "gas factor" of the beans.
I use either Dulse or Kelp, whatever I have on hand.
This is also the right time to add in any seasonings you want to such as onions, garlic, or cumin.
Simmer on low, covered, stirring occasionally, for 4 to 8 hours. Enjoy!
what is whey and where do I get it?
Make your own whey quite easily using one of the following methods:
Let fresh raw milk sit at room temperature in a clean jar on the kitchen counter for one to two days
then you'll see the bright yellow whey separate from the white milk solids. Pour off the whey, save in a jar for later use. It keeps for several months in the refrigerator. (Use the milk solids to make a soft cheese by blending in some salt and pepper, etc. and spreading on crackers)Pour any kind yogurt in several layers of cheescloth
and hang above a glass jar, letting the whey instantly drip out. After several hours you will have whey in your jar ready to use, and a type of "cream cheese" in the cheesecloth that can be used for other recipes.Let kefir (a fermented dairy product) sit at room temperature for a day or two, and then strain off the whey. (Treat as with yogurt)
I always keep a jar of whey in the fridge to use for all sorts of recipes!
Here is a fun variation for cooking your beans!
Do you make homemade broths such as chicken broth, beef broth, vegetable broth or bone broth?
After you soak and strain and rinse your dry beans, use broth instead of water to cook your beans- this makes such a great tasty pot of beans!
Don't forget the time saver
You can use Ziploc bags or plastic yogurt containers to freeze small batches of your delicious properly prepared beans to take out in a pinch for a quick easy meal such as chili, tacos, or bean salads...
(I usually let the beans cool completely before putting them in plastic containers, because heat can draw out dioxins, a toxin found in all plastics)
Seaweed can be found at health food stores or on Amazon (It's around $5 a bag an can be used for all sorts of recipes)
I hope this post can help you in your kitchen as much as it has helped me!!
I agree! There’s no real comparing how much better dry beans are than canned. I’ve been holding onto a recipe to post on Steemit that calls for canned black beans...substituting cooked dry beans makes a huge difference!
Yes!! Thanks for reading! And like I said, freezing them in batches is basically a mom's best friend, LOL. Its just like popping open a can accept waaaay healthier, and no waste!
I wish I could upvote this 10 times! Soaking beans before cooking is sooo important from a health aspect. I had NO IDEA about the Whey and Seaweed hacks -that is brilliant! Thanks so much for sharing! In Peace, Love and Health - T
No kidding eh @tamala!! I fricken blew my votes already though..... the comments will have to do this time around 😂 #thestruggleistreal
Awww, I can relate, ladies!!! Im at like 65%? rn, LOL
Ahhh Thank you!!! So glad you liked the post! Cheers!
is interesting and useful information. I was also impressed by the term "the poor man's meat". thank you
Thanks! Yeah I thought that was a funny phrase too, but it kind makes sense!!!
Awesome post with multiple with GREAT ideas!! I love your tips on making whey!! And, beans 💚💙💜 just 👍👍
Oh good I'm so glad you liked it. Thank you for reading! Oh good! Yes I use whey for so many things!!!
Yes! We also swear by Nourishing Traditions. In fact, I'll be making my adaptation of the Ember Day Tart for dinner tonight!
Ohhh wonderful!!!! I think are are a few of us WAP (Weston A Price) folks on here! Thanks a lot for reading!
Thanks for the whey and seaweed hacks! Wish I had known about these a long time ago...See! You can teach an old dog new tricks!
Oh great! I am glad I can bring something new!! I am so grateful to have learned about it when I did... It changed my relationship with beans forever...
Like everyone else said, hooray for the whey trick. Everyone does dry beans here. Beans are positively a staple of life in this area, and no self respecting belizean would ever use canned beans. They're also way more expensive here because of import duties. Anyway! We love to make them in the slow cooker and also use the immersion blender when they're done to make refrieds, and I added some chicken broth to some of those tonight for burritos, and that was also excellent.
MMM. wonderful, I love refried beans. I once made a lacto-fermented bean paste that was superb, it kept for a long time and was a ready snack!
That sounds yummy!