Look at this I found this morning, walking to work in New York City... is that it?
Sorry for the side shit... can't seem to turn it right side up
Thanks for the kale type too
Look at this I found this morning, walking to work in New York City... is that it?
Sorry for the side shit... can't seem to turn it right side up
Thanks for the kale type too
This doesn't look like lamb's quarter to me, well it DOES look a lot like it but I would pin it for something else. Similar shaped leaves, looks like opposite branching, but the leaves or more rounded on this plant. Veining looks alike too. Check for fairy crystal on the underside of the leaves, lambs quarters usually are laden with crystals. The stem is also highly ribbed. Hope this helps. Blessings on your foraging.
Thank you for that. It does help a lot. I'll take a closer look later shen I pass by it again.