Over the last 2 years we spend time building 1/3 acres paddocks for our animals. We decided to install 4' horse fencing which is strong and will allow us to free range chickens plus allow us to keep our sheep and cows in with no issues. For the corner and H-posts we used natural cedar which we cut from both our land and our neighbors. I know cedar isn't available in all areas but many areas have hedge or locust which are also naturally root resistant.
We had a really dry September so we were not sure if we could plant any winter crops that would supplement feed costs in the winter plus provide our animals with some healthy green plants all winter long. In wetter years we would let the grass grow tall (1-2 feet) broadcast seed then cut the grass. We would do this just before a large storm. Once the seeds get wet they naturally want to sprout and the grass protects the seeds from birds plus keeps the seeds moist. This year I used a disc to lightly break up some of the soil. I them broadcast the seed then drug a pallet over the top of it to help the seeds make good contact with the soil. I did this because we didn't have any rain for 7 weeks, so it was very dry!
This year we planted winter wheat, radishes, and turnips. As you can see from the pictures it is all growing and we are excited to see how well our animals do this winter having fresh greens!
Please share what cover crop you are growing/feeding on your homestead this winter! Thanks!
I am trying to grow garlic for the first time this year...not exactly what you wanted to know, but hey....it's all I have! :-D
We plant our garlic in the fall also, best time to plant in our area!
Good post. We love seeing others progress.
Very cool, dude! Where do you live in the world? I'm wondering what is possible in different ag zones. :)
We live in Arkansas which is zone 7.
What a great idea!!! Maybe next year we will incorporate something like this!
Thats great, wonderful winter foliage. Good idea❗️