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RE: Mrs. Canadian Renegade vs. Fruit Stains

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

You guys have made a good start, just keep loving! :)

Because of the MS, when she gets a normal sickness, it hits her a lot harder. I took her to the doctor Friday for a fever (a week ago) ; and her Doctor referred her to the ER. The ER admitted her 7 hours later.

I gave her a dose of colloidal silver for the temperature, before she collapsed which triggered the doctors visit. Once there, they started IV antibiotics and told me she would be there a week. With the silver, I knew the fever would break in a day, while the antibiotic takes a week.

Now, the fun part...I treat Debbie herbally with several herbs. She needs them every day, the Stinging Nettle is treating the MS, and the Fever Few treats the Migraines. All I need do now, is to convince the hospital staff to let me give her home made medicine. SOOO, I took the herbals, and went to the hospital to do battle. When I arrived, I found that the Doctor that had written the notes (her neurologist) about what I was giving her; had left Written orders to the floor that they were offer me all assistance in treating her with herbs that were being administered under his direction! They actually sent up the pharmacist to "help" me in any way he could. So I was able to treat her, Herbally, WITH the hospital's Help!

Her fever broke the next day, and that really confused them, LOL! I got her home last Monday, and our Dachshunds were thrilled! :)


Wow! Simply, incredible. I am so glad you connected with a doctor willing to keep an open mind. I am so curious, did the pharmacist come and if so what was their reaction? We keep colloidal silver on hand too but I didn't know it was good for fevers too. Very interesting. Oh, I bet those pups were happy! 😆 -Aimee

They did come, but whatever he wrote, left them to observe only! They did ask a lot of questions, mainly trying to figure out what was going on. There was respect, which surprised me.

The colliodal silver is a KILLER! Antibiotics attack bacteria by limiting their ability to reproduce. Colloidal limits their ability to breathe, and so it kills in about an hour; bacteria gone, fever gone.

Our little girl Lilly would NOT leave Momma; even to eat!* :D

I love that there was respect. Hopefully they took something away from the experience, like the power of nature to heal. Thank you so much for sharing this experience and your knowledge. -Aimee

My Daughter is a Pharmacist, and she calls my herbals heresy; so I doubt it, LOL! :)
But at least her Doctor is beginning to listen....

Oh, jeepers! I blame the education system for that one. I once worked with resident physicians and learned just how much indoctrination occurs in their education. I attended a leadership conference and they were repeatedly told how disrespectful it was if someone addressed them by just their name without including doctor. Even in regular everyday life. Ego inflation appears to be a part of the curriculum. But having her doctor listen is a huge step! And the one that probably matters the most. -Aimee

Yes, ego is a real problem with most doctors! Tunnel vision is a common problem in the medical industry, and it is sad to see. They are unwilling to admit that anyone else knows anything, and as a direct result, they are unable to learn any new information! :)