
In your bedroom eeeeeeekkkk that would be horrifying!!!

Yeah. We had a hamster that was always escaping and digging holes in my box spring because he thought it a lovely place to nest. So, I think the snake smelled the hamster scent. I ended up trashing that bed. I just couldn't ever sleep on it again. I was terrified.

The fact that it involved your bed makes it a million times worse!! I'd have trashed it too--I'd be too afraid another snake would have the same idea!

Yeah. I was sure of it. I couldn't even go in the room for 2 days. I was traumatized. Needless to say I'll never have another hamster.

LOL...there will never be any hamsters here either, or any other small caged pets. We've told the kids that the chickens are all they get 😆

No doubt. Never again. I worked at an elder home that had caged birds, and that was awful too. I don't want anything that has to live in a cage. Two of the kids have asked for snakes even. Ummmm. No!

"I don't want anything that has to live in a cage" you nailed it...I've vowed that we'll have no caged pets in the house. Chickens in a coop are the closest we'll get and at least they get to do a lot of free ranging :)