Kale: is a plant that belongs to vegetables and is grown for food. Kale is sold in many markets. Kangkung many exist in Asia and is a plant that can be found almost everywhere, especially in the area berair.dan leaves are also green
There are two types of cultivation cultivated: dry and wet. In both, large amounts of organic matter and water are needed for this plant to thrive. In dry cultivation, kale is planted at a distance of 5 inches at the boundary and supported by the wood. Kale can be grown from seeds or root cultivation. He is often planted on seedlings before being moved in the garden. Kale leaves can be harvested after 6 weeks he planted. And also his harvest is quite satisfactory
Almost all young plants can be eaten. Due to rough old rough kangkung, young shoots are more popular. It can be eaten raw or cooked like spinach. Ka
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