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RE: Overcoming the Drawbacks of Small Scale Urban Homesteading: Trading and Outsourcing

in #homesteading7 years ago

I believe this is the most exciting part of homesteading: connecting with your neighbors. Everyone produces something, even if they don't realize. (Actually what they most often fail to realize is the value of such things as old newspapers, compostables, old or even broken furniture and such things.) And yes, everyone is happy to return a favor, which is why people generally insist on paying. The alternative is to ask for a barter: "Will you give me your broken-down truck over there for a trailer-load of firewood?" Once people have gotten used to asking (non-binding) and saying no (once again, without any strings attached) both parties can find incredible bargains for both sides.


Agreed. We do have a lot of country people who've moved to this area and seem to be happy with trade. It shows how mentality has changed with city living.