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RE: What do you think will save us, if anything? (in terms of climate action)

I agree with everything and feel utterly dejected now. Thank you. (No, seriously. I am a truth monger, and I believe the only hope we will ever find lies in understanding our true - spiritual - nature.)


as one who also loves the truth, i get it. yes, our true spiritual nature, i believe, while we are on earth is intimately tied to all of these issues so there's no elevating beyond it. so much spiritual bypassing (not saying that's what you're saying, but i see it a lot in spiritual circles). the fact that the spiritual beings in human bodies who have names and addresses who are directly culpable for the highest percentages of this earth destruction is a hard fact to grapple with, but a very true one. if the rest of us ignore that, what's going on with us? i'm not sure the action items, but this fact is hitting me very hard lately.

Names and Locations of the Top 100 People Killing the Planet
“The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.” – Utah Phillips