That hammock, sunshine, and woods look great! I think I hear the crickets and grasshoppers in the back ground.
Stacked tins all together. That is nifty.
A leaf got in the mix! Glad he will be cooking this, in case some creepy microbe got on it.
(I'm popping open a beer and lighting a spliff while we wait for these coals to burn down. This hammock is great!) ;)
That Bush Pot is cool. Like a little oven!
This is neat. I would imagine the old time trappers used this method. Probably in the same area he is in right now- 200 years ago.
That bread looks lovely and prefect on top!
Throw the little burned part in the river for the creatures.
Wonderful! Yum!
Oh! This is in the morning- I was thinking afternoon moving into evening.
That was fun! Felt like I was there! (In evening tho)
From living like he does, I would say his immunity system would make the black plague run in fear... LOL