
Hello friend. I found you just below me over at the minnow power-up league and thought I'd stop by and say hello. Now I am additionally inspired to go plant something in my winter garden. Thanks for the inspiration!

That is outstanding! I adore tending a garden and I equally adore looking at other people's gardens lol. It's wonderful to meet you and I will give you a follow and be on the lookout for your blog posts!

hmm not sure if i ever had those. Can you compare the taste to a traditional radish?

They're quite similar though these seem to be crisper if that makes sense. Spicy too lol...yum!

Very cool! I love me some radishes!'s funny how excited I get over little things lol

Those look great and they are my favorite type of radish!

Thanks! I was experimenting thus the small harvest. Now I've planted a whole lot more and you're right....they're great!

What did you end up doing with them?? mama-raddish your new alt account?

hahaa I ate them! Then I planted a whole lot more. I saw a lady drizzle them with oil and sea salt and then roast them and they looked delicious. Maybe I will get the mama new alt lol

Great harvest, my friend, and you're right, this time of year your harvest is amazing, well done! Thank you @tamaralovelace

:D thank you! It is time for winter gardening where I am so all types of lettuces, spinach, radish, peas etc are going well.


Thank you! Now on to bigger and better harvests lol.

For this time of year, the radish is very good :)

I'm in Florida so winter gardening is much like spring gardening for folks in more northern climates.

howdy tamaralovelace! wow a winter garden. I didn't know anyone could really have one of those, what grows besides radishes? Those look great, by the way.

howdy tamaralovelace! wow a winter garden. I didn't know anyone could really have one of those, what grows besides radishes? Those look great, by the way.

lettuces, spinach, collards, kohlrabi, brassicas like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, peas etc. lol. Mostly what the rest of the country considers cool season crops. I have tomatoes going albeit slower growing, peppers, herbs of all sorts. I am sure there are many I forgot to mention but have to head off to work now. You have a great day @janton!

howdy today tamaralovelace! wow that's amazing, almost everything. I assume you have a big garden?

Not at all lol. I have the room to have big garden but this year is out except for small things. Next year out lol

Howdy today tamaralovelace! Well gardens take so much work and big gardens take tons of work so I salute you! You're more ambitious than I am.

hahaa...or maybe just hungrier!!

Exactly! OR, you're going to save a fortune on groceries and use that extra money to buy Steem!