
i demand proof of your claims. you think it is just fine to make accusations and claims without evidence but get pissed if others make accusations without showing proof and when they do show it you grey it out or delete it. double standards are clearly being shown here.

I make no accusations against you.

Your own actions speak for themselves.

You are going to destroy your steemit blog like you did your YouTube channel.

Through hate.

Stop wasting your time and just do your own thing.

Stop harassing my family and go away.

my YouTube channel was never destroyed troy. it is well over 10 thousand strong and grows every day. however unlike you i don't buy fake sub stats. i simply left YouTube and only use it to promote stuff such as my website where i post everything now instead of on YouTube where everything is censored. my website is over 81,200+ and i consider that very successful. now my steemit is doing twice as good as yours is. in 38 days i managed to grow twice as fast as you did and gain as much or more then you have income wise. as of today it is worth $1440+ dollars. you took 68 days to get where i am in 38. your YouTube channel is crashing in a ball of train wreck flames and YouTube has determined you ineligible for the silver button do to you buying false stats. im haven't destroyed any of my social media accounts and they happen to be doing great. perhaps you need to have a good long look at yourself in a mirror troy reid. you are falling... hope you are wearing a parachute... or not either way ;)

Just remember one thing Troy, 'They will not be punished for their hate, They will be punished By their Hate. Wait for it.

you are telling someone how to destroy their steemit blog like they did their youtube? That hits close to home doesn't it trog? Did you finally turn the lights off on the DIY youtube site? It needs to be buried and done with.

please provide proof of your claims that my YouTube channel has been destroyed...

here it seems to b growing nicely:

and my second YouTube channel is doing very well also considered it is very young and mainly only used for commenting:

Good for you.

Now run along and leave me alone.

so you admit you lied about me destroying my youtube channels now?

in this comment you said i destroyed my youtube accounts:


that comment certainly sounds like you making accusations to me...