
Where are you Youtube friends Ried, sorry your goons.
There not coming are they, they have blown you out haven't they!
You promised them patreon videos, FAIL, you promised them a 1k subs party, FAIL, you promised them a givaway, FAIL, then you promised them to make some money on here, to bail out your sinking ship but hey, quess what, they thought its going to be ANOTHER FAIL, and stayed away!

Because you guys harass people to no end.

You chase people away.

That is very sad because I only want to be a part of this community.

You follow me around and try to destroy our lives online and in the real world.

Get a life.

Leave me alone.

You have 4 accouts how can you not be part of the commuinty?

troy has around 50 youtube accounts using fake alts to harass people to no end because he knows drama used to pay on youtube...

And you get these ideas where???

Go away Ryan and stop harassing me.

google ip search connects over 50 youtube channels to your home in pine bush when you lived there. so are you claiming 50 people came to your home daily to use your internet and computer to slander and libel me daily? or does it make more sense that it was you?

So are you saying the trolls are winning?
Is Steemit another failure on the horizon?

Just watched his when he feels like it video.
Usual crap,different day, all done without going outside in the cold.
Have to say Trog your sprog is aging fast, shes not as pretty anymore.
Ming has gone the same way, dont no what you do to them.
I remember when you moved into Jackass Acres, you said you where going to keep your work separate in the spank sheds, another FAIL for the list.
Must be a nightmare for little Ming living in a junk shop although its nice to see where all your abusive comments are generated, i can see you must get frustrated living poor with no money in such a shitty hovel, that you have to call your home.
I'll put an ad free link below for reference.

troy jumps when us trolls say jump. He finally hooked up the wood stove and showed it in a video. Those exposed wires everywhere are not safe nor to code. That kid doesn't give the impression she likes you. Have you hurt her recently for this reaction? Sad little dump you make your family live in but I guess all the failures in your life have gotten you used to living in poverty. Living on steemit 24/7 doesn't leave much time to improve your living conditions nor kill any deer. I see you still make her cook on that outdoor stove which the label says not safe for indoor use but I guess she is not worth safety kinda like that off gasses from the battery on the dresser. They are explosive I've read.

frauds, ebeggars, liars, scam artists, false accusers, etc... such as @thediyworld troy reid are not wanted on/in any internet based social media community. so you would be best to just give up and leave before you invest more than you can afford. those you have deceived, slandered, libeled, etc... are not going to stop spreading the truth about you EVERYWHERE you try to go...

[-]jessiescott (4) · 55 minutes ago
@thediyworld ,, no i will not fucking consider quietly . this pertains to you and your lying coniving dishonest ways , bearing false witness is going to bite you in the ass TROY , all we are doing is making the community awre of your decietful practices so as to hopefully allow them to see for themselves your ways of abomination . No one is doing a damn thing to YOUR FAMILY ........ only professing the truth about you , TROY WILLIAM REID . I think maybe you should consider ............... why have you been plaqued by so many public detractors ? why have you failed to acomplish any task / project properly ? why did you have to go outside of the US to find a companion ? why have YOU KNOWINGLY ALIGNED YOURSELF WITH MANY PEOPLE OF UNJUST AND IMMORALE CHARACTER ...... IE ..... ANTHONY SCOTT WILLIAMS , PASTOR OF YOUR "CHURCH" WHICH HAS BEENINTERNATIONALLY INDENTIFIED AS A CULT .... DAVAD HANSON , WHOM YOU KNEW AFORE HAND TO BE A CONVICTED PAEDOPHLIE, BUT STILL WENT TO HIS HOME STATE OF CONNETICUTT AND TRANSPORTED ACROSS STATE LINE ILLEGALLY , WHITH OUT NOTIFYING HIS PAROLE OFFICER , EXPOSED HIM TO SEVERAL YOUNG CHILDREN WHILE HE WAS AT YOUR COMPOUND IN PINEBUSH NY ALL THE WHILE KNOWING HIS BACKGROUND IN FULL ... AND THEN THERE IS TIMOTHY CAREY .......... AN AIRMAN IN THE USAF STATIONED AT ALTUS AIRFORCE BASE IN OKLAHOMA , HE WAS ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH HAVING BOBMB MAKING SUPPLIES IN HIS POSSESION AND ALSO MAKING TERRORISTIC THREATS TO BLOW UP A LOCAL WALMART ........... HE SENT YOU TRIP WIRE DEVICES TO YOUR COMPOUND IN PINE BUSH NY , ALONG WITH OTHER MATERIALS YOU REFUSED TO SHOW OR MENTION ... AND THEN THERE IS LEE , I CAN'T REMEMBER HIS FULL YOU TUBE NAME, THAT MADE THE DESPICABLE VIDEO CLAIM ING DOC WAS A PAEDOPHILE , IN WHICH YOU COMMENTED ......... LEE I LOVE YOU BROTHER .

So Trog, whats your plan of revenge, grey out my comment or invite me to a fight?

@thedarkdestroyer, Reid invited me to his dumpstead to fight.
However, last night, he denies typing those words to me.

He does remember saying that I can only come during the daytime though,
because he's afraid of the dark.

That's probably why he takes "pot shots" in the dark with his shotgun as he claims back in PineBush. He's a chicken shit.

I dont seek revenge.

I only seek to make a living for my family.

You and your gang seek to destroy me and my family. And our sources of income.

All I want is to be left in peace.

If its peace you want, easy, get off the internet and face up to your responsibilities, to look after your mail order bride, bought and paid for by your subs, or do you expect them to feed her and your brat as well?

Nobody "bought" my wife you scum!!!

And I will choose how and where I want to work.

Troy the lovely Melanie was bought and paid for by your subs. You made a video of it!!!

I sold T-Shirts to raise money for a plane ticket.

People got a legitimate product.

My wife was NOT purchased!!!!!!!!

you asked people to donate to get your mail order bride home then asked for more money to put clothes on her back. Its in your videos.


So you exchanged T-shirts for a wife!

So where did the addtional cash come from?

what about 3 plane tickets? Did t shirts pay all that? what about begging for money to put clothes on her back? Your subs bought you a wife and continue to support her and now a kid. You are the NO. 1 beggar on youtube

Trogs getting all upset because he had to go out and buy an Asian wife because no American woman would have him.
Real men don’t buy women, real men find themselves a proper wife not a fake, bought one, and real men go out to support their woman, just like an animal looking after its young.
Think is called natural instinct, but Reid’s natural instinct is to lie, scam and beg.
It’s known all over the world that the little Mellon Head Girl is bought and paid for by his YouTube Goons!
Please donate, please help get Ming home, I can hear it now, scumbag!

@thediyworld so all those please donate to bring mel home videos were not you asking for gullible viewers to buy your wife? it sure as hell appeared that way. that is how everyone perceived it troy...

the issue is that you DON'T work and instead ebeg for everything from gullible subs...

yes you can choose how and where you want to work. Nevermind you just can't cut it on youtube or steemit, lots of losers try and fail. Once they foreclose on the wasteland you might want to rethink your job opportunities.

Make a living? Stepping up the begging or goin to make her pump out more videos?

Wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't whore her out, bet it would come natural to her!
Trogs real feelings are somewhere else.

You will never find me beg on video.

Anyone can see for themselves.

I am uploading the videos right here on steemit.

idiot, you are only uploading Michigan videos. The majority of your begging was in Pine Bush. Is that how you find a loop hole to claim we are lying? You begged in almost every video.