
@thediyworld. Who is "you guys" then?

Who am I, and who is "my friends" Mr. Reid?

Making vague accusations, including your assumption here of "guilty by association" when you say "you guys" is also not credible.

Also your references about threats to the townhall in NY is their problem,
and means nothing to me. Irrelevant.

Your identification will also be revealed in court.

You think that you can hide behind fake names.

Those secrets drop in an instant when I find legal help.

Where has Sandra Clowdus your cheerleader vanished to?

You mean the one whose family the sucks members threatened?

Yeah, she left.

Yes TR...the one whowas/is (questionably) licensed by the bar to practice law in the state of California...and yet who posted on the public forum of YT for all to see and whose notice YOU posted regularly in your videos and comments was representing you and would use all powers available to file suit against other posters to the same the state of NEW YORK?? BTW, she was NEVER licensed to the bar in NY...that certainly went well for the both of you, didn't it??

You've been seeking legal help for two years now. When will finally find an attorney to take up your case?

As you very well know there are laws against what you are doing to my family.

But finding legal help without being rich is not likely.

So you guys continue on ranting and bragging openly about your harassment of my family with no fear of punishment.

Nobody has done a dam thing to you and your family. There are laws against false advertising though! I can't find the link anymore because there is so many bad reviews plastered all over google about you, it would take me days to find the link. but here is a start...I am just a poor Troy
Though my story's often told
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocket full of steemits, such are promises
All lies and jests
Still a troll hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest
When I left my home and my family
I was no more than a boy
In the company of strangers
In the quiet of the webpage
Running scared,
Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters
Where the ragged suckers go
Looking for the places
Only Molly would know
Lie la lie, lie la la la lie lie
Lie la lie, lie la la la la lie la la lie
Asking only e-beggers wages
I come looking for a con
But I get no offers
Just a come-on from the whore someones princess on 7th avenue
I do declare she did it for free hmm hum hmm hmm hmm
There were times when I was so broke
I took some comfort there, lie la lie lie lie lie lie la lie
Lie la…

Quit saying "you guys." I am not "you guys." I am me. And I don't rant and brag about my discourse with you. I am merely commenting on your videos and your statements. You live in your own little world Troy and in your mind you are omnipotent and can do no wrong. Well, I am here to tell you that's not the case. You can and often do wrong. Deal with it, Mr. I 95% Off Grid Absent of Evidence.

any attorney worth his salt would see how poor you are and string the court dates out for years until you went belly up. The things that you would have to answer truthfully to in disclosure would be the death nail to your channel and name. I hope you can find a cheap attorney soon.

Will you be "recreating" them the same as you did with your taxes?

Yes that is EXACTLY correct.

A PRECISE and EXACT duplicate of them.

Just like my taxes.

Just like you advertise yourself as a alternative energy guru.
on the web.
Reid you are the biggest poser I have ever run across.
You are a dimwit with no marketable skills.
Your just a clown with a crappy camera pimping your wife and child as click bait on the internet.

I dont care about the rest of your garbage words.

But "pimping your wife and child"???

We show daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

Fully clothed at that.

@thediyworld No, you’re a dimwitted clown pretending to be an off gridder. You’re one of the biggest liars in the world.

Be sure to include the flight path of my DJI Phantom 111 drone that you claimed flew over 3000 miles over your place fuk head. The flight path is at The Judge will be "VERY" interested in the data. PS FUCK YOU DORK. You said I own the .sucks forum and I requested you be blocked! You suck at trolling you cock sucker.

Again. I never made any claims against you personally. I do not even know who you are.

I do find it interesting that you take these things as personal attacks.

Again, its like the who farted game.

The first person to deny it generally farted.

I have never been a member of the sucks forum. You guys sure are paranoid.

Maybe someone has been accusing you of something on there. But is was not me.

I only go there for evidence I need for court if the day comes that I finally find help.

You have no evidence your detractors online vandalized anything on your property.

You guys are harassing us and bragging about it all over the internet.

Anyone can see for themselves.

Show me where I have been bragging about anything related to you on the Internet. I dare you.

Well, you are a member of sucks. But you hide behind a fake name here. You hide behind a fake name on sucks.

You are a coward, a bully and a troll.

What you just accused him of is slander and you are a liar for spreading false statements about him.

Mrs. Thayer is on .sucks. She knows what a creepy lying bastard you are.