Rainbow chicken is a type of chicken pieces, or often also said chicken meat because this chicken when large meat is used for restaurants.
his usual rainbow chicken only survive 3 months because 3 months time is right to harvest rainbow chicken.
Following tips to keep rainbow chickens:
- Rainbow cock can not stand the cold weather so you should put rainbow cock on the box and then give the lights
- Rainbow chicken is a chicken that always eat and never satisfy
limit to his diet - Rainbow chicken does not need to be off, just in kandng only
- ideal harvest time is 3 months from small start.
If we apply some parts that I have mentioned above then 95% success rate raising rainbow cock is in your hands.
do not be surprised when a month old rainbow chicken will turn into a white chicken like his ordinary chicken, this happens because the colorful feathers on the chicken will only last for a month since the first chicken in the paint (in color).
many are opposed to this colorful chicken, because mengexploitasi chicken from small but this is only as a creation to be worth selling and selling in the market all legitimate only
Are those real chickens? Like peep peep and shit all over... aka not stuffed? I've never seen or heard of anything like this...
@lyndsaybowes... you're the chicken expert.. what's your opinion?
I know, right?!
At first I had to grab my eyeglasses and make sure they weren't the Easter fluff treats!
So they're real? Not some sort of hoax..?
I'm guessing NOT- look at post with video below
WHAT? Rainbow chickens!
I have never heard of these before!
Our first chickens were these rainbow dyed ones. Then I saw the atrocious way in which they are dyed and vowed to never support that practice again. Ours ended up being Easter eggers. We still have them.
WOW! that is awful. the video WAS NOT cool at all!
thank you for sharing
oh nice photo @thunderblaze