Off Grid Power

in #homesteading8 years ago (edited)

I am debating whether to go with commercial power or some other alternative on the homestead. I have several creeks and am now looking at hydro-power. I have at least 20' of drop at one section and this may be the way to go, any help or comments would be appreciated.HPIM0020.JPG


I really like the Archimedean Screw idea for power generation. It seems very cool.

Interesting topic and I'd do both solar with batteries and use the stream, following and hi from Australia.

Good evening and thank you!

Wow, keep us updated on your journey to harness alternative power sources! :)

Oh you definately have to give that a try! Following you to see updates.

If you are into solar power dont forget to claim your free SolarCoin from

Thanks for the info on solar, I may do a dual power system.

We've got a very similar size stream (creek) here on our place in Wales. I'm currently investigating pico-hydro options. I'll be interested to hear how you progress on this.

I'm going to agree with @christa. Why not give both a try and see what happens! :)