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RE: Chick Update and the new Warming Plate - 4-H and Homesteading

Ah, yes! I've joined that community, I'm pretty sure - now to condition myself to look at those communities before posting/scheduling!!!

lol re the trade.
I did something similar once... Raising quail... took my second clutch in to the feed store to sell... went home with a pair of goslings instead! (Mind you, this was when I was a teenager.)


The vet charged quite a bit for farm calls, he checked on a cow that I had assisted him do a cesarean on a few days earlier and he taught me how to castrate my piglets while he was there, so my silkies were a more than fair exchange!

Wow, that's awesome. Yeah, sounds like you got a bargain!

I miss those long ago days on the farm. Some good memories, though!