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RE: Off Grid Washing Machine Using Homemade Soap & More

in #homesteading7 years ago Too bad Reid doesn't use solar. He has a five year history of having props for his show but never actually succeeding.

He's been saying all year his houses are 95% Off Grid, but hes still putting together some uninsulated outdoor battery box and inverter type thing with the wires going through the wall of the cottage.
The charge controller and a power meter is screwed to the inside wall, just high enough for the baby to grab when it starts crawling.
He showed two days ago a small outlet box to charge his cell phone with.
And he calls this monstrosity his "PORTABLE generator".
Spoiler Alert: there's Nothing portable about it.

Everything else is On Grid.

Don't let him fool you.


Repost after a visit from a Turd!

watertower (18) · 1 hour ago Too bad Reid doesn't use solar. He has a five year history of having props for his show but never actually succeeding.

He's been saying all year his houses are 95% Off Grid, but hes still putting together some uninsulated outdoor battery box and inverter type thing with the wires going through the wall of the cottage.
The charge controller and a power meter is screwed to the inside wall, just high enough for the baby to grab when it starts crawling.
He showed two days ago a small outlet box to charge his cell phone with.
And he calls this monstrosity his "PORTABLE generator".
Spoiler Alert: there's Nothing portable about it.

Everything else is On Grid.

Don't let him fool you.

More garbage from a trolls's mouth.

One thing you are proving to the world is:

A: you are quite demented to think we dont really live here when its all on video.

B: you reveal your determination to destroy my live online and in the real world.

If you DO live there then you and Melanie are horrible house cleaners. Perhaps you should get off the Internet for 20 minutes each week, help your wife out, and dust a little in the house. The place is filthy.

We tried giving you the benefit of doubt but after all these months it's hard to believe any woman would put up with the living conditions you provide for her. The filth is probably because she is depressed about the horrible turn her life has taken and how much better she had it in the third world country where you bought her. If it was me I would never want people to think this is the best I can provide for my family even with my mommy's help being almost fifty years old. No one is trying to destroy your life but its our mission to make sure your 10 viewers know the lies and deceit you are shoving down their throats. Looks like the steemit community had your number very quickly and don't want anything to do with you. You owe your trolls a major thank you for sticking with you when no one else has.

@thedarkdestroyer. Thanks for reposting that!

I had a feeling Reid would do that.

He hates the truth getting out.

Anyone wonder how much they paid to hire that kid on today’s video before it went back to its real mum.
That’s a new brat, not the same a recently featured, that kid was way ugly!