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RE: A Free Resource No Homesteader Should Be Without

in #homesteading8 years ago

Nice job on your post! I completely forgot about the extension offices. In WI there are also county extensions, but I don't know if that's in all states. We're battling bunnies and deer, cute, but forget gardens lol. Actually had a doe and her twins, still with spots, come between me and my neighbors house couple days ago (we're in the city). I suppose I'll be seeing more of them... Gardens here are protected by chicken wire or similar. We've tried potted gardening for city life, fun to see it grow. Curiously we've learned the rabbits don't like our lettuce so I guess that's safe LOL...


Yes! It's in all states! :D I think almost every county has one, maybe not a physical building to visit, but at least a phone number to call. I think they do this because each county basically has it's own weather-type. Haha Or something.

Haven't seen you around in a bit!! You gotta come around more often, friend! :) Saw your real neat and odd cloud pic though! Crazy!

And thank you!

Thanks! Work got crazy, we're about to go live with a new software in less than 2 weeks. It's pretty major for Mayo, just crossing fingers there aren't too many hic-ups...

I have yet to see one single deer here at my house, but they're terribly abundant in the town 20 mins away from here! I guess we have rabbits too??? Husband says he's seen them, but, I haven't... I dunno if I believe him! Haha.

LOL, they're too busy eating all the groceries in town! I actually know a little town in SD that people needed to put large fences around if they wanted gardens. The deer just thought they owned the town LOL. Used to go hunting rabbits in eastern OR. Most farmers didn't mind 'cause they can be quite destructive to alfalfa crops, and it helps keep disease down too.
Hopefully maybe you can find some late season plants that can still produce into the fall.

Exactly! Everyone in Prineville has 8ft fences around their gardens! I just need to figure out ground squirrels. Haha I only wish I have just deer to contend with!!

The deer are our biggest garden threat here in da U.P. of Michigan. There's more deer here in town than there is is out of town, or at least it seems like it. I neglected to make sure the back garden gate by the alley was closed last week, and the next day there was deer tracks in the garden. It was only 1 set of tracks, and it didn't do much damage, just sampled a few things, ate the leaves off one of the cucumber plants, and ate the tops off a couple of the sunflowers. It could have been worse.

Looked outside my window yesterday and a doe and 2 very young fawns were in my back yard, cute, but I think they've developed a taste for my wife's sunflowers lol... and I'm in the middle of a subdivision. I think they just bed down in the lot behind us.

Oh yeah, they definitely like sunflowers.