Please read this article and please read other post with regards to increased Homosexuality, Abortion, Murder.
Homosexuality and Willful Murder are 2 of the 4 grave sins that the heavens cry out for vengeance.
Brings up the martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket over his conflict with King Henry II with comparison with King Henry VIII, whose revolt was more successful in subjugating the people. Created his own church, acting as his own self-appointed, independent authority.
Brought up the Consequences of Protestantism with Martin Luther and Henry VIII. “That separation from the Catholic Church changed the face of England forever. As a result of the Protestant movement allowed each man to create his own and act within his own authority and appointee based on opinion, rejected historical and sacred teaching from the apostles, thus the downfall of Christendom. What Henry VIII did was made the Church subject to the will of the crown, because of what he desired instead of putting God and his Gospel first. Of course the rest is history, those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
Please read this to learn more about the decline of Christianity and get yourself right with God while you still can.
In 1829, the UK has suffered many persecutions ever since the Revolution. Brings up some loosing anti-catholic laws "were overturned or notably loosened and has made continual improvements, but there are still many problems with the state of the Church, most notably a decline in church attendance, a falling population, and a rise of secularism."
No secularism did not pop out of nowhere, has roots and origins. Those associated with the "faith" did so because it was part of the group, in-crowd, didn't believe in what it teaches. The Church has problems with heresy being weeds with maintaining the garden/yard ripping the weeds out. Don't maintain the garden/yard becomes very dangerous with heresy out of control, spreads like wildfire.
English Catholicism is dying because they don't believe and follow the teachings of the Church with it's stance against abortion and homosexuality. Some are not affiliated with any religion. Some
Of Course the powers that shouldn't be, Hollywood, The Vatican, The Pope, majority of them support abortion and homosexuality, with evil spreading into further sin and death, it's no wonder why we're declining in society with paganism increasing further.
Due the rise of Islam has filled the void left by the Church to fill. The state of the Catholic Church in the UK is a reflection of the people, due to lack of faith who say they believe, but really don't. That's what's really sad people not caring about faith and where do they go in the next life. Some say they know of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, but don't believe, come on. It's not complicated when is so simple. Think about it who created you, other people, and the land, air, water, and animals too?
It was God because he's the creator and created you to have a mind to think rationally with will power, set of laws to obey and follow to keep you on the path of salvation through Jesus Christ, all about believing, following commandments/law, can talk to God anytime, anywhere. Let God talk to you too, nothing wrong with that.
Problems we are seeing with the downfall of society is people are thinking irrationally, filled with sin, evil, etc. Just because Society says this means you have to follow the in-crowd because it's trending and popular. No you don't need to that, only thing to be concerned with is do you believe that Jesus Christ came to purify God's word and save you from sin and eternal death, and by believing in him and following him so should you be saved and lead into eternal life in Heaven.
Conlusion by Shoebat sums it up.
"Certainly as long as a man lives there is hope, but the writing is on the wall. Barring an absolute change, there will not be so much of a decline in the Church as a natural disappearance from that nation, as there will no longer be a purpose or difference in going to church than being a secular pagan."
Brought up Transgenderism, Homosexuality, Deadly Diseases, Other Posts and Links too. Please share.
The LGBT Is Complicit In The Spread Of Horrible Diseases, The Sodomy Laws Need To Come Back For The Sake Of Public Healt
Just as in the Days of Noah and Sodom. Could be any day that God can come back and do repeat destruction due to the consequences of sin and not following and obeying God's word and teachings.
Please get yourself right with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of Mankind. Please read these links and pass along.
The world is becoming more dysfunctional by the day. Everything is upside down and inside out. Morality is offensive, and disorder is praised.