As a human being, it is a social living being. It is always in interaction with the environment. This allows relationships to be formed at a certain level among people. Being a family, being a relative, being friends, establishing friendship are the relationships that people develop in a social sense.
The fact that social relations are organized, respectful and loving, and that freedom is not restricted makes people peaceful. The establishment of a peace environment and the establishment of a dialogue have an important place in people's lives.
In the development of social relations, there are some habits and behavior belonging to human beings. One of these and most important is to be honest. To be honest is to mean the dictionary, to be true, to hide the truth, to reflect what it is like.
It is an example of honesty for people not to lie in social relations, not to slander, to gossip and gossip, to defend the truth, to act correctly, to make good, good, beautiful advice.
To be honest is the most important emotional and behavioral aspect of human self-fulfillment, which is very important in one's private life and community life. Because honest people are reliable people. Trustworthy people are known to be just. Justice is what the individual and the community need most.
It is necessary for people to live up to their honesty in order for justice, conscience, compassion and common sense to develop and become established in the society, and even to ensure continuity of generations, common culture and heritage. Honesty is not something to tell, it is something to experience.
Thank you for sharing this. Have you heard of the book The Four Agreements?
Thank you,I have very good references about that book. Bought the book 6 months ago but couldn't start reading :(