It is difficult for me to upvote duplicity, mendacity, and fabrications, but it is so well crafted I am compelled to do so in this case.
You begin with false statements, and end with false despair. As you said above about ravenous Communist oppressors, at least you're consistent. I commend you to the tender mercies of your idols, those same savage Chinese imperialists that so perfectly fulfill your dreams. May you quiver with joy at every blow they land on you. May every theft of what is yours they undertake leave you happily more deprived, and may the silencing of your voice ring forever in your heart as your true legacy to your posterity.
You have earned it with these words, and I would not deny you your just compensation.
Should your heart faint at the hardship of the road you recommend and must travel, perhaps it will be strengthened to know that all political power and institutional contrivance will pass away soon, just as soon as we altruistic tinkerers can effect mechanisms that render them obsolete, and all the vicious, venal vituperation they, the predators on free men, undertake will be their lot, theirs alone that commit it.
Perhaps a day comes when you will seek facts, the truth, and the good faith of your peers. Then you can join us who daily bring forth the reality of freedom, justice, and happy people by our labors.