For the Sake of Honor
Someone told me I have something that I was unaware of
They told me I was a racist by association and had "white privilege"
I think I should have something to say about the label white privilege
Before I allow anyone to stick it on me.
If I accuse a group of 100 people of racism or privilege and ten of that group are not racist but rather are completely innocent of it and treat all people fair.
Then that makes me a racist for prejudging the one in ten. .
I am willing to admit that white privilege the minds of some but not all For before one can have something, they must choose to accept it. or more importantly, exploit it.
If there is an unfair white privilege at the expense of others, then we should also note, that there is a black privilege or an Asian privilege and Indian or eastern privilege all depending on where one is and the company they keep and more importantly, is; are these people shallow or superficial in their views toward others. Intelectual privilege, also and for example, may be far worse as it occurs when someone thinks that they can exploit anyone else simply because they are clever enough to talk them out of anything they may rightly deserve. There is an assumed privilege for almost every label. Including anyone born with a silver spoon in their mouth, as well as me and my friends in low places. So what is really missing? Aside from most everyone trying to look after number one without any consideration for anyone? We settle for or accept this from each other and in doing so forfeit something even greater.
Honor A matter of the heart
I have been looking into Honor all week Honor as we first learned of it at home as in the fifth commandment. For father and mother If you go to the curse of Ham by His father Noah, In biblical liturgy, I think there is a lesson that Moses intended for people to learn. What is interesting once you see the curse is opposite from another quote... Ham's curse was that because he would not honor Noah his Father, but rather dishonored him (as in focused on his flaws)., He would become "A servant of servants" In contrast to this we have Jesus as "A Lord of Lords and King of Kings" This due to his ability to overlook or forgive flaws and see potential for greatness..
The quotes being opposite of each other are likely not by accident. The later is a reference back to the former. Can you see it too? If you look for Honor as the difference in men, like Morgan Freeman vs the NFL's kaepernick, You realize one clearly has it and the other doesn't have a clue when he doesn't. have Honor. The thought that Freeman is not equal to others (for of course he is equal or in some ways greater) yet this doesn't seem to enter Freeman's mind. It is Freeman's attitude about himself and others that allows him To see others below the surface of their skin, and to also then be seen or understood without attention being drawn to skin color If anything you notice his teeth with his smile. He would not give white privilege an audience nor would he play race for any sympathy or justification for any anger as it appears. This very persona is the reason he can play the role of God in a film and pull it off easily in the minds of most people. Why has Honor slipped through the fingers of our generation So hard to grasp for some and shrinking away in its value? May I suggest that our priorities are not serving us as well as they once have. Our minds and intellects have increased and we attempt to think and speak politically correct. using our minds Yet Honor is not dependent on the mind to exist but rather the heart is the requirement to both give and receive any honor.
We are focusing on what is said and not with participation from the proclaim it with any sincerity, or true appreciation of kindness, that is void of self-service and/or egotism. It is as if, the heart's function in our generation has been lost, neglected, or stolen when no one was looking.
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