From darkness to light...

in #hope8 years ago

I was laying in bed exhausted in the middle of the day staring into blankness, as a tear rolled down my face. "Help me" I said. I was pleading with God, myself, anyone! I could hear my sweet children playing in the house and felt a deep love for them and a guilt for feeling the way I did, worthless!I was tired much of the time, lost and lonely. I had very little love for myself and my choices. I had no idea what the next moment would bring, let alone the next day. I felt darkness take over. And then something wonderful happened, I had the opportunity to spend a day with my lovely Mother. She told me about this amazing experience with a "Foot Zoner". I knew of foot zoning, however, in that particular moment, I knew my prayers were being answered, fate had stepped in, and that was what I needed to do. I would be a Foot Zoner no matter what!!! The first appointment I had lifted so much off of my shoulders, and I felt there was hope. My journey had trully begun....
So maybe you have never felt as "in the dumps" as I did, but each of us have struggled with one thing or another. No matter the struggle you're in, there IS hope and you are the hope. You have a light within!
I am currently working on youtube videos where I will share tips that can assist you on your journey through healing. Much love from my heart to yours....Aprilshy-863056_1280.jpg photo by :)


george-carlin-greatPLACE.gifHello @freebornhealing. Happy to know you are feeling better and want to share your journey along with other talents, lifestye and whatever else interest you. Some people on Steemian shoot off into immediate success and some like me > plod along trying to figure out Steemit. I suggest you go on a Steemit discovery journey. View blogs, comment, rate (upvote), read the comments. Comments are very helpful and reveal people to follow (the informative ones.) Get right in there and ask questions. Steemians are amazing and make this commuity great. If your post title isn't an eyecatcher your post may be missed... so make yourself seen. There are Guilds and Bots and other techie things that can help you, but I'm new and have an artist mind (slow learner without pictures and simple talk.) In closing, I and the community of Steemit are so glad you are here to share your unique perspective.

Okay, thank you for the great advice. I too take a little longer to figure this techie stuff out! I will go on that journey!