“The Cup of Thee, O’ Smitten God”

in #hope7 years ago

“The Cup of Thee, “O’ Smitten God”
“On high does mine spirit draw nigh”
Or’ so to grasp all thine immortal sky
Aloft into all hearts, do I reside
Away do all things, I abide
With weft of soul, so
Within thine gaze,
I am raised, so do
“I cried,”
“I cried”
“I unto thee”
“I cried as, I Died”
“O’ unto thee, “I cry”
“Father, into thy hands”
“I commend my spirit!”
“I proclaim, for all to hear”
In Heaven! In Earth!
“Far and near”
“It is finish!”
I descend down now,
Darkened depths do abound
Doomed you thought my soul
To be, but I came to do unto thee,
O’ death that which you came to do to me.
Now, I come to Rule and Reign!
Forever more! And now there shall be no more pain for thee!