This is a great reminder about how we should be as people.

in #hope7 years ago (edited)

About 6 weeks ago, I noticed that one of my LI connections was looking for a job. He had been unemployed for over 6 months. He was losing his house/car, and his family was suffering. He listed the top 3 companies that he wanted to work for. As I was reading his post, I looked thru my connections and noticed that I had several high level connections in each of those companies. They frequently liked my articles here on LI. I sent each of them a message on LI without him asking me. I also sent a screenshot of his post. I asked them to reach out to him and they did. My connection reached back out to me yesterday and said they had made him an offer. Here is the lesson:

  1. People should not have to ask you for help if you can help them.

  2. Life is about HOPE: Helping One Person Everyday!

  3. Don't let other people drown when you can throw them a lifejacket.

  4. You don't have to know people individually to help them.

  5. As an influencer/leader, who was the last people that you helped when they were down?

  6. It takes just a few minutes to change a person life; therefore, use your time wisely!

He will never know who I was, but I will never forget him!

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