AUGUST 07, 2017 DAILY HOROSCOPE. Lunar eclipse. A life changing event!

in #horoscopes8 years ago


Aries MARCH 21-APRIL 19
As the Moon is opposite the Sun right now in a lunar eclipse, this intense energy can spark an unexpected connection between you and another that can take you by surprise, and in a pleasant way. It’s a passionate time for you, Aries, especially as the Moon is also opposite Mars, your ruler, as it connects with the powerful sign. Book a reading with Jennifer

Taurus APRIL 20-MAY 20
The position of mercury and the lunar eclipse now influence and heighten your inspiration and creativity at work. And since you have many options, don't concentrate on just one aspect; take a look at the big picture before making any moves. Trust in your expertise and have faith in your ability to create. Book a reading with Jennifer

Gemini MAY 21-JUNE 20
Communicating with friends and colleagues can be rewarding in many ways. The energy of the lunar eclipse can have you spending a lot of time now contemplating where you'd rather be in life and the steps to make that happen. Stay optimistic, but don’t judge anything until all the facts are on the table. Book a reading with Jennifer
Cancer JUNE 21-JULY 22
With the energy of the lunar eclipse, it is a priority now to connect with people who can help you boost your finances and build security. You are due to be well rewarded for all your hard work, so don’t give up. You can also receive unexpected money during this time so stay positive. Book a reading with Jennifer
Leo JULY 23-AUG. 22
Mars in your sign connecting with the Sun is powerful combination of energy. A lunar eclipse opposite your sign, the Moon opposite and the Sun in your sign, is an indication of change about to take place. Add to this the Moon also opposite Mars and all these combinations can push you out of your comfort zone and be nothing short of life change. Get ready to let go of the past to allow a new development to take place. Book a reading with Jennifer
Virgo AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
The energy of the lunar eclipse can make great business deals possible, but you have to be organized to achieve them. There's a window of opportunity available to sort out changes due to come, but don’t get infatuated by a proposed deal. It may be good, but you want to get the facts right. Book a reading with Jennifer

Libra SEPT. 23-OCT. 22
A conversation with friends can be revealing and, as it is the lunar eclipse today, then even transformational during this time. Remember, that the art of communication is to also listen. When you let someone else do all the talking, you can find out a great deal of information that they may not mean to reveal. Book a reading with Jennifer
Scorpio OCT. 23-NOV. 21
Lunar eclipse energy can focus your attention on work responsibilities will need your attention, even though your heart and mind may be on romance and family. Get ready to be pulled in every direction. When that happens, try to have quality time with those near and dear. Book a reading with Jennifer
Sagittarius NOV. 22-DEC. 21
Lunar eclipse energy heighten your creative senses now, but should you find yourself hesitating about something this week, mull it over before voicing your opinion. If you keep changing your mind, because you gain another insight, it can show a lack of conviction, instead of confidence. Book a reading with Jennifer

Capricorn DEC. 22-JAN. 19
Focus your attention on how to improve your material security and position in life, but don’t do anything rash. As the lunar eclipse influences your money zones, you can get a spark of inspiration, but it is still best to gather the data you need so as to make an informed decision. Book a reading with Jennifer
Aquarius JAN. 20-FEB. 18
Make plans now so you're in control of your next moves. With the lunar eclipse full Moon in your sign, it will want to carve out some time to be reflective. Take a minute to analyze what happened in the past, what you agree with and what you would alter. Then you can take advantage of upcoming opportunities and move forward with certainty, even if at time, nothing seems certain at all. Book a reading with Jennifer
Pisces FEB. 19-MARCH 20
With today’s lunar eclipse, it’s a good day to take stock and see where you are and where you want to be. When you are quiet and contemplative, instead of filling every moment with busyness, your inner voice rises to the surface. Listen to what it has to say, great wisdom can be imparted while you are in this state. Book a reading with Jennifer