MAY 20, 2018 HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel
As the Sun gets ready to enter Gemini, your creativity is heightened, make good use of it.
To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Aries MARCH 21-APRIL 19
Week ahead: You think and act quickly, but right now you want to slow down to ensure you are organized to keep on top of home, career and family. Personal and family matters take your attention this week. Follow your dreams; persistence will pay off in the end. If you need answers, ask questions. Your imagination can spark a new idea – stay focused and see it through. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Taurus APRIL 20-MAY 20
Week ahead: There’s hope and optimism for the future, but also challenges this week; wait for things to fall into place before you make a final decision. Motivational Mars ensures you are busy at work. Be confident and everyone will notice how in control you are. As the Sun moves to your money zone, finances look brighter, but keep in mind that with a bigger pay-check comes more responsibility. Life is full of surprises, be open to what happens next. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Gemini MAY 21-JUNE 20
Week ahead: Mercury in the sign before yours is opposite abundant Jupiter, and it is a message to get organized. Part of organization is setting time aside for meetings or to communicate with others. Take your time with decisions and don’t feel pressured into anything. Be careful not to be possessive with a loved one. Keep a positive attitude to attract more of everything you desire in life. But remember, life often has its own plan – don’t be in too much of a hurry to force a situation. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Cancer JUNE 21-JULY 22
Week ahead: Venus in your sign can change life in an instant, so be flexible. And as Venus is opposite Saturn, and Saturn is retrograde, you could be very well re-connect with someone from the past, or perhaps you have a chance to deal with and close off a past situation. You can be the recipient of a lucky break, but you may need to sort out a few issues first. Stay focused on where you want to end up. Don’t assume anything -- check the details and don’t keep secrets. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Leo JULY 23-AUG. 22
Week ahead: Be strategic with decisions and people with whom you deal that concern your grand plan to keep business on track. Don’t neglect those who support you; they can help you sort out your next move. With love, this is a passionate time, and when you share your inner thoughts and feelings, you build intimacy between you and another. Work is happening behind the scenes, wait for the pieces to fall into place before you do anything. If you are unsure of a financial situation that has to do with someone else, let them play their hand first. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Virgo AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
Week ahead: You are capable of running your own race, but you also need a team structure to accomplish your goals. Don’t overanalyze. With Mars in your area of productivity, you don’t have too much time on your hands now, so tie management is important. If it feels right, go for it. If money is mixed up with friends, be careful to make sure all concerned know what’s expected of them. Be an opportunist and make friends with influential people. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Libra SEPT. 23-OCT. 22
Week ahead: Love, work and home all take your attention now, so the more systems you can set up to stay on track, the better off you will be. You love to be in love, and this is a passionate time in the stars, but a degree of both togetherness and independence make a solid relationship. With Venus in your zone of business; you can attract someone’s attention by simply being yourself and getting out there to socialize. Keep an eye on your money and don’t be wasteful. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Scorpio OCT. 23-NOV. 21
Week ahead: Your dreams can come true; all it takes is a little patience and a lot of perseverance. A discussion can set straight a love union, but only if you are straightforward and honest. Don’t try to go it alone. The right people will come at the right time to help you advance. Don’t get emotional -- be businesslike. It takes time and effort to build strong relationships; choose carefully with whom you correspond. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Sagittarius NOV. 22-DEC. 21
Week ahead: Get organized and stay focused on your highest priorities. Be careful not to make a rash decision about a situation before you have time to sit with it and mull over. There is no room for emotions in business and right now you are best to tune in to your instincts. And remember, anything is possible, but it is wise to be realistic about what sort of compromises you are prepared to make. Stay positive, life is moving in the right direction. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Capricorn DEC. 22-JAN. 19
Week ahead: Be disciplined with your time; you don’t have to comply with everyone’s demands. If there is a choice between what you want to do and what you feel should be done, listen to your head, but follow your heart. Listen to advice from those who have made it to the top in their field of expertise. Have appreciation and gratitude for what you have and more will come. Love goddess Venus in your opposite sign, opposite Saturn, can put you in touch with someone you can have a long-standing relationship with. As Saturn is retrograde, it can also indicate someone from the past. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Aquarius JAN. 20-FEB. 18
Week ahead: Mars in your sign can send you into a frenzy of activity. However, sometimes the best form of action is inaction; there is wisdom in watching what others do. Real love is being able to express who you are without feeling vulnerable, especially with family. Believe in your ability to do the job. And when you have the right people around you, anything is possible. Be patient, life is changing. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
Pisces FEB. 19-MARCH 20
Week ahead: When love and money are combined it can become an issue, don’t let it. In love, you need someone who simply adores you. A friend or lover form the past can reenter your life now. With family, the first step is to get clarity and don’t doubt your own judgment. What you do now will pay off in the way of providing you with more independence. If you know what you want, there is a good chance you can get it. To book a clairvoyant astrology reading with Jennifer, click here.
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