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Knock knock at my door I hear every night
When the moon full and shinning bright
Each time I open the door,there’s nothing at sight
Weird occurrence leaving me in shock and fright
Something is wrong I concluded, not very right
It’s no more a joke not sure if it’s a fight
Lately it has gotten to another height
What am I now , a toy or a client
On and on it went, and so my torment and plight
I wanna drive away , get away in a flight
The affliction overpowered my might
Holding me to my throat choking me so tight
Waking up every night I’m turning so white
Touching my beating heart, breaths are so slight
I got confused I changed my name to Wright
Fired at work when will the future become bright
Sooner or later I pray to most high
Give me the power , gimme the last might
He answered my prayer , he did last night
As I caught the witch causing my plights
Beautiful writeup, respect man
This is amazing poetic story telling forming a whole lot of rhymes. Kudos
Wow hahahaha well these scary things we experience, I'm glad you put it into a poetic form and your rhymes are sweet. You told a story with this and at the end the God sovereignty factor was paramount, I love it so much.